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Showing posts with the label Mental Health Solutions

Postpartum Psychosis: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment | Solh Wellness

  Postpartum Psychosis is a severe mental disorder that occurs in new mothers after giving birth to a newborn baby. In this disorder, the new mother has difficulty processing her emotions, which can lead to Delusion, Hallucination, and, in some cases, Schizophrenia. Because it endangers newborn babies and mothers, postpartum psychosis is also known as postpartum emergency.   Symptoms of Postpartum Psychosis Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms are often confused with feelings of sadness, anxiety, or being overwhelmed by emotions, which are common in new mothers. When postpartum psychosis is severe, a woman may exhibit behaviours such as staring off into space, muttering to herself, refusing food, or making illogical statements. Other Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms to Be On the Lookout For: Suspicious thoughts of harming the baby Delusions or a loss of touch with reality Hallucinations (the perception of seeing or hearing things that are not present) A lack of emotional response or a blank fac

5 tips on How To Keep Your Mind At Peace | Solh Wellness

  Life is not a fixed state. There may be stress and an outpouring of emotions, but there is always a way to keep your mind at ease. Inner calmness and the essence of tranquillity can be described as peace of mind . When you are mentally at ease, you will experience: It is simple to express yourself. Compassion for oneself and others. Day-to-day activities and a well-organised schedule Following these steps will help you maintain your peace of mind and serenity. 1. Accept that you cannot control everything. Uncertainty is a natural part of life, and you can also remind yourself that "what you're doing right now won't last forever." 2. Practice forgiveness. It is sometimes necessary to forgive people even if they are ineligible.It's because those thoughts should make you happy. 3. Use yoga, meditation, and mindfulness techniques to improve your mental health . 4. Schedule enough time for yourself. Life is incomplete without solitude. It caters to the creative part