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Showing posts with the label impact of nature on mental health

Impact of Disconnect from Nature on Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Have you ever noticed how different environments elicit various feelings in you? Even how our bodies function and how worried or relaxed we are can be influenced by our surroundings! When we experience anxiety or sadness in an uncomfortable situation, our bodies' systems may go into overdrive. On the other hand, being in a stunning natural environment might help us feel better and calm down. People of all ages and backgrounds like spending time in nature when they are worried. Our mental health is significantly impacted when we cut ourselves off from nature. Here are some ways that disconnecting from nature impacts us: Your Mental Health is Affected: Missing out on the pleasure of being outside on a beautiful day if you spend too much time indoors can be detrimental to your mental health. According to studies, exposure to sunlight, even through a window, can help people unwind more. It has also been demonstrated that exposure to daylight at work might lessen anxiety and despair.