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Showing posts with the label Environment and Mental Health

How does Environmental Factors affect a Child's Mental Health? | Solh Wellness

  The environment in which a person lives or was raised has an impact on their mental health. Growing up in a positive environment increases the likelihood that a child would experience stable mental health as an adult. When treating any mental health disorders in children, it is crucial to take into account the larger context of their lives, which includes the environment in which they live and work. The two most important environmental components that have the most effects on a child's mental health are physical and social. Physical aspects of Child’s Mental Health From the time that a child is growing up and dealing with obstacles to the time that they are incorporated into their daily lives, physical elements have a long-term effect on their mental health.   Lack of sleep: Due to the digitization of everything, many individuals, particularly children, have developed internet addictions. Children are supposed to sleep for 8 hours per night, but this is not actually happening.

The Intersection of Sustainability and Mental Health: Why It Matters | Solh Wellness

The ability to preserve the natural resources and systems that support life on Earth while ensuring their long-term viability for future generations is referred to as environmental sustainability. In order to preserve biodiversity, protect ecosystems, and reduce the negative environmental effects of human activity, sustainable practises must be implemented. Climate change, pollution, resource depletion, and habitat degradation are all examples of environmental problems. It entails utilising renewable energy, lowering waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and implementing sustainable land use practises. This blog will investigate the crucial link between environmental sustainability and mental health. We'll talk about how our environment affects our mental health and propose environmental changes that can help. In addition, we will emphasise environmentally friendly actions that people can take to promote a healthier environment while also improving their overall well-being. Mental he

Environment Crisis and Mental Health: The Need for Urgent Action | Solh Wellness

Focusing on the immediate bodily harm caused by natural disasters and climate change is convenient, but the impact of these crises extends far beyond what the eye can see. Environmental issues can profoundly affect mental health, causing stress, anxiety, and depression. The uncertainty of living in an unstable environment can also lead to chronic stress, which can have long-term mental health consequences. Moreover, the displacement and loss resulting from environmental crises can lead to trauma, grief, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People who have lost their homes or loved ones may experience a range of emotions, from sadness to anger, and might struggle to come to terms with their loss. And while financial hardships often accompany these crises, they can exacerbate mental health issues, especially for those who already struggle with poverty, homelessness, or social isolation. The seriousness of these issues calls for immediate action to meet the mental health requirement