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Showing posts with the label Academic Stress and Mental Health

Academic Stress and Mental Health: Balancing the Pressure on Youth | Solh Wellness

For young people, the pressure to perform well in school has grown significantly. They believe that in order to later have a successful profession, they must enrol in a good institution, have excellent grades, and do outstanding internships. They experience severe stress as a result, which has an effect on their mental health. Unfortunately, they spend so much time on school that they neglect their relationships with friends and their sentiments. These requirements could originate from their families, personal objectives, or cultural norms. There may be increased pressure from teachers and schools for students to perform well. Whatever its source, pressure at school can have negative outcomes. Children's mental health may suffer if they focus solely on performing well in school and neglect other crucial activities like staying healthy, making friends, being creative, and getting enough sleep. They might make an effort to conceal their negative feelings, high levels of stress, or ev