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How to maintain boundaries as a Counselor | Solh Wellness

Boundaries are essential for our emotional and mental well-being. They serve as safeguards, ensuring that we are respected, valued, and have a strong sense of self while creating good relationships. Healthy boundaries lessen the possibility of being taken advantage of or exploited, allowing us to set limits on our actions and commitments. Setting limits helps to reduce burnout and stress, supporting a better and more balanced lifestyle. Despite being aware of the importance of boundaries, counselors may overextend themselves when supporting clients, reducing the line between personal and professional life. With its emphasis on empathy and delving into deep emotions, the counseling profession can make it difficult for counselors to maintain rigid boundaries at all times. As a result, they may unintentionally allow personal emotions and experiences to influence their professional relationships with customers. Counselors must establish and maintain boundaries in order to safeguard their c

Burnout in Mental Health Professionals: A Serious Problem and How to Address It | Solh Wellness

Burnout is a result of prolonged, excessive stress as well as physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. When someone's physical, mental, and emotional tiredness prohibits them from completing their continuing tasks, it occurs. Due to the rigorous nature of their work, mental health practitioners frequently feel exhausted. This chronic fatigue is referred to as "therapist burnout." The effects include depersonalization, emotional weariness, and a lower sense of self-accomplishment. Therapists typically experience burnout due to the high expectations, frequent demands on their time, emotional pressures, and resource restrictions. Depending on the health and level of burnout of the therapist, patients may receive care that is of lower quality.  It's crucial to recognise the symptoms of therapist burnout . The following are some indications of burnout in mental health professionals: Emotional and Mental Exhaustion: Being constantly exhausted both physically and emotiona

Are you suffering from Burnout? | Solh Wellness

  Burnout occurs when a person begins to accept numerous tasks without adequate planning and feels unable to complete them. In essence, office workers are affected by this issue. Don't let office work stress you out. Continuous workload steals calmness and leads to burnout. People must essentially exercise caution when it comes to this matter because ongoing burnout issues are extremely problematic in many ways. The most important problem with burnout is how it steals your creativity without you even realising it. Symptoms Of Burnout: Exhaustion Changing sour Poor attention span Lack of immunity Feeling useless No creativity Constant mood swings A decline in interest in gatherings Suicidal ideas Fatigue The Burnout Cycle Let's get a clearer understanding of the burnout cycle. Even a competent and effective employee will experience burnout if they do not practise proper self-care and keep accepting new responsibilities without making any sort of plan. Despite having sincere int