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How to deal with exam stress and anxiety as a student

  Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach before an exam? Everyone feels some anxiety before an exam; this anxiety is beneficial because it motivates you to work harder. However, even if you studied thoroughly and prepared thoroughly for the exam, you may find yourself blanking out on the simplest of questions. This is referred to as exam or test anxiety. Test anxiety is characterised by intense stress before, during, and occasionally after exams. It can lead to a drop in performance. Exam anxiety can sometimes be influenced by expectations from one's family, peers, or by one's own personality traits, such as perfectionism. Fear of failure, poor performance on a previous exam, and a lack of preparation can all contribute to test anxiety. Test anxiety symptoms may include:  - Shaking - Fast heart rate  - Dry mouth - Nausea  - Inability to concentrate - Going blank even after extensive study Diarrhea, fever, and stomach pains may also occur in some cases. How Do You Deal Wit