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Showing posts with the label ways to cope with mental illness

Understanding and Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness | Solh Wellness

We commonly have loved ones dealing with these challenges since mental illness affects millions of people worldwide. It can be a challenging and complicated trip to travel when someone close to us is coping with a mental health problem. It can be challenging to know how to assist a loved one who is dealing with a mental illness. Observing a loved one struggle with the symptoms of a mental illness can be difficult. It might be challenging to know how to help and support a loved one in an effective manner. It is essential to recognize that every individual is unique and that every circumstance is unique. By reading the following information, you can understand more about mental illness, its impact on people, and practical methods we can employ to help and encourage our loved ones while they are going through a challenging time: Learn everything you can about mental illness: Knowing more about mental illness will help you better comprehend the struggles your loved one is going through. Le