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Showing posts with the label phases of grief

Impact of Grief on Mental Health | Solh Wellness

We have all experienced grief at some point in our life, whether it was due to the death of a loved one or a job. In these cases, we delay processing this emotion because we wish to dismiss it because it makes us so uncomfortable. Our mental health must endure numerous negative effects as a result, though. Anguish felt following a great loss, typically the passing of a loved one, is referred to as grief.  The "KUBLER ROSS MODEL" was first presented by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, one of the pioneers in the field of grief research, in her book "DEATH AND DYING". The Kubler Ross Model , states that those experiencing grief go through a series of 5 emotions: DENIAL ANGER BARGAINING DEPRESSION ACCEPTANCE DENIAL- “This cannot be happening to me, this isn’t real” In order to protect themselves from the sorrow, people go through sad times where they act as if nothing ever happened. ANGER- “Why did it have to be me? this is not fair!” People around here are notorious for stoking