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Showing posts with the label Abusive Relationships

4 Most Common Relationship Problems & What to do about it | Solh Wellness

"How to not have problems in a relationship?" is the most common type of question asked by couples in counselling sessions. The concept of a perfect relationship free of disagreements or arguments is flawed. To make a relationship work, a lot of hard work and daily efforts are required. Problems in a relationship are unavoidable, but how individuals deal with them determines the relationship's longevity. The following are some of the most common issues that couples face in their relationships: 1. Financial issues: These issues are one of the most common sources of conflict in a relationship. Money problems can cause conflict in a relationship, whether it's due to different financial resources, differing perspectives on the value of money, or differing spending habits. This is especially true when there is a power imbalance, such as when one partner has more financial means and the other feels indebted to their partner. 2. Loss of Interest: No relationship is easy, an