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Showing posts with the label Suicidal Behavior

Catching Early Signs And Symptoms Of Suicidal Behavior | Solh Wellness

  Despite being a serious and alarming problem, suicide is not a mental illness. It rather represents the agonizing and occasionally disastrous effects of incorrectly managing or treating mental illnesses. Bipolar disorder, severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders are just a few of the many underlying conditions that can be present. We'll talk about the early warning signs and symptoms of suicidal behavior in this session, along with the safety precautions a caregiver can take. Suicide Warning Signs: Early intervention and help depend on being able to spot suicide warning signs . These warning indicators include a variety of behavioral and emotional changes, such as: Persistent Emotional Distress: Long-lasting, severe depression, mood swings, or sudden fits of rage may be signs of underlying emotional turmoil. For instance, a person who is typically upbeat could develop a prolonged depression. Overwhelming pessimism: A severe sense of pessimi

Is Suicide Cowardly? Exploring the Stigma around Suicide | Solh Wellness

Suicide is a delicate and difficult topic that is frequently surrounded by myths and taboos. One of the numerous myths is that those who commit suicide are cowards. In this blog, we'll examine suicide in detail, discuss how this assumption is false, and discuss the intricate relationship between mental health and suicide. Understanding the Stigma: 1. What is Stigma? Stigma describes the unfavorable attitudes, ideas, and prejudices that society has about a certain group or subject. Stigma in relation to suicide can take the form of criticism, blame, and misunderstanding.   2. The Cowardice Stereotype: One widespread stigma is the idea that those who commit suicide are cowards or are taking the easy way out. This viewpoint minimizes the nuanced elements that contribute to suicide and downplays the severe emotional suffering that some people may be going through.   The Reality of Mental Health: 1. Invisible Battles: For others, difficulties with mental health are frequently invisible.