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Showing posts with the label Mothers Day

5 Ways Mothers Can Improve Their Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Being a mother is a full-time job that necessitates a wide range of skills and effort. In society, there are certain expectations placed on mothers, such as taking care of household duties, keeping track of the children's daily activities, and much more. This can be overwhelming for a mother, especially if she works. Individuals must take care of themselves in order to maintain their mental health.  Here are five ways a mother can monitor her mental health: Self-care is essential for everyone, not just mothers. Caring for the family and children takes a lot of strength and can be mentally draining. Individuals' mental health can be improved by incorporating some everyday habits such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising.  Support Network: Having a support system for people going through similar experiences can give mothers a sense of purpose. Getting involved in a motherhood community or interacting socially with other people can help mothers' ment