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Showing posts with the label do i need therapy

When to Start Therapy: 6 Signs It's Time to Seek Help | Solh Wellness

The majority of individuals are not very knowledgeable about mental health, and even those who are may not know when to seek treatment. They frequently wonder if their circumstance is serious enough or if they should wait longer before taking action to enhance their mental health. They spend a lot of time debating whether now is the appropriate moment to seek assistance or if they should wait. So, here are some general indicators that it might be time to think about mental health therapy : Persistent Emotional Uncomfort: Therapy may be helpful if you experience persistent emotional discomfort that interferes with your ability to carry out everyday responsibilities, such as depression, anxiety, or high stress. Major Life Events: Dealing with big life events like a divorce, a loved one's death, a job loss, or a major transition can be challenging. Counselling may provide guidance and support throughout these adjustments. Relationship Issues: Counselling can offer a secure environmen