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Showing posts with the label Impact Of Social Media

The Digital Dilemma: Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  The usage of social media by young people has recently become a major worry. Many young people appear to be intensely involved in it, even living their lives via it. The primary motivation for taking photographs these days is to share them on various social media platforms. The concept of making genuine memories appears to have disappeared.  This has given rise to another hotly debated topic: the distinction between reel life (online) and real life. On social media, people frequently present an idealized image of their lives. These posts usually include smiles and depict a happy life. This behavior, however, has the potential to deceive others who follow them, leading them to feel that everyone around them is thriving while they are failing. This view may contribute to increased sadness. To combat this, a new movement has evolved in which people are encouraged to share their own difficulties. While this is a step in the right direction, it is only the beginning of resolving these cha

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health of Young Adults | Solh Wellness

Social media is increasingly taking over our lives and providing us with a new mirror through which to view the world. It gives us information, keeps us connected, and has become crucial for professional advancement. As much as we appreciate its advantages, we must also be aware of the significant negative consequences it can have on our mental health, especially in young adults.  Important problems with social media use: The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is one of the most pervasive problems with social media. We frequently worry that we will miss out on pleasurable activities or significant events that are shared on social media. Seeing our friends' posts about events, trips, or social gatherings might make us feel inadequate, lonely, or afraid we won't live up to society expectations. It's critical to keep in mind that social media only shows the highlights of people's lives, not the entirety of them. Social media sites commonly showcase people's accomplishments, tr