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Showing posts with the label Toxic Relationship

7 Reasons For A Failed Relationship | Solh Wellness

  Finding the right partner, getting married, starting a family, and spending their later years together are all common goals for life partners. Even so, there are now more divorces and broken up relationships than ever before. Here are some of the most frequent reasons for relationships to end, so you can avoid the mistakes that frequently lead to divorce and breakups. -Loss of Trust: One of the essential elements of a strong relationship is a sense of trust. If the partner is unpredictable or doesn't offer enough emotional support, the person may lose trust in them. Relationships built on the shaky foundation of trust are likely to cause harm to someone. -Lack of Communication: The foundation of a lasting relationship is open communication. Couples who frequently express their frustrations with one another and find solutions together are more likely to stay together than those who never argue. Relationships eventually suffer when people try to avoid conflicts in their relation

What is a Toxic Relationship? Signs and What to Do? | Solh Wellness

A toxic relationship is one that is harmful to one's physical, mental, or emotional well-being. Toxic relationships are defined by the characteristics of fear, submission/domination, and dishonesty. A toxic relationship taints your sense of self-worth, happiness, and perspective on yourself and the outside world. A toxic person will leave a trail of shattered relationships, broken hearts, and broken people in their wake, but toxic relationships do not always end that way simply because the person you fell in love with later turned out to be toxic. Relationships may start out well, but as time passes, negative emotions, a troubled past, or unfulfilled desires may emerge, contaminating the bond between people. Even the most powerful people can be affected; it can happen quickly and easily. Toxic Relationship Warning Signs Only the person in the relationship can determine whether the negative aspects of the relationship outweigh the positive. However, if someone consistently jeopardis