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Showing posts with the label Special Child Needs

A Guide for Fathers of Children with Special Needs | Solh Wellness

  Most of the time, we forget that dads are considered to be parents and that they experience parenting challenges on an equal footing with moms. The fathers experience this because they are surrounded by a variety of social stigmas. Mothers are expected to take care of the child, and they are meant to be powerful and manly. As a result, males who do express their worries as parents to their kids feel threatened to do so, and those who do so are afraid to call for support for their emotional health because they are not permitted to display weakness. Fathers of children with special needs often experience a variety of challenges, such as emotional stress, financial hardship, limited access to support, time and energy demands, consequences on family dynamics, a lack of respite care, social isolation, and future uncertainty. Fathers must seek assistance and practise self-care to deal with these difficulties. Self-Care for Fathers Fathers can take care of themselves while attending to the