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Showing posts with the label expressing emotions

Emojis and Mental Well-being: Unlocking the Power of Expression | Solh Wellness

Emojis are increasingly being used in digital communication. They help us express our emotions, add humour, and forge stronger bonds with our friends, family, and workplace. Did you know, though, that emojis might also be good for our mental health? Emojis may be a useful tool for gauging mental wellbeing, according to research that was published in the Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice. According to the study, people who used emojis to communicate their emotions were more likely to report feeling more upbeat about their mental health. A study that was discovered and reported in the journal Emotion suggests that using emojis may enhance interpersonal ties. According to the survey, those who frequently use emoticons in online communication claim to feel less alone and closer to their friends and family. Then, how do emojis promote mental health? The following are some valuable suggestions: Emojis can be used to convey emotions. Emojis can be used to express any emotion, including happ