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Showing posts with the label Mental Health Support

Healing Through Grief: Taking Care of Your Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  Undoubtedly one of the most terrible experiences in life is losing someone or something you hold dear. We may feel perplexed and adrift, unsure of how to move forward with our life when a key person, vital function, ability, or period of time is abruptly taken away. Grief is a normal process that affects everyone at some point, and it is the strong range of emotions that flood through us during these moments. Grief for some people may feel like a heavy weight on their chest. Some people might experience feelings of emptiness, loneliness, confusion, tiredness, guilt, unbelief, or even anger. It's common for people to experience a combination of these feelings as they deal with the aftermath of a loss, and this variance is quite acceptable. It's critical to understand that everyone experiences grief differently and moves through it at their own time. Although it's common to link sadness with the loss of a loved one, any significant loss that fundamentally impacts your life—

Virtual vs. "Real Life" Friendships | Solh Wellness

Friendship is a close, reciprocal connection characterized by consideration, respect, caring, and occasionally affection between two or more people. From childhood through adulthood, it is essential to our happiness and mental health.  Friendships today can take many different forms, most notably through social media relationships. Online and offline businesses have some similarities despite differences. Online friendships, formed on sites like social networks and the internet, are not as emotionally rich as offline relationships. Nevertheless, some contend that they can be equally significant and uplifting. Furthermore, the simplicity of establishing internet contacts is frequently emphasized, particularly among teenagers and students. According to research, online communication frequently follows in-person interactions, hastening the initial bonding process. In essence, friendship includes friendly, considerate interactions. These relationships, whether physical or virtual, have a tr

Understanding and Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness | Solh Wellness

We commonly have loved ones dealing with these challenges since mental illness affects millions of people worldwide. It can be a challenging and complicated trip to travel when someone close to us is coping with a mental health problem. It can be challenging to know how to assist a loved one who is dealing with a mental illness. Observing a loved one struggle with the symptoms of a mental illness can be difficult. It might be challenging to know how to help and support a loved one in an effective manner. It is essential to recognize that every individual is unique and that every circumstance is unique. By reading the following information, you can understand more about mental illness, its impact on people, and practical methods we can employ to help and encourage our loved ones while they are going through a challenging time: Learn everything you can about mental illness: Knowing more about mental illness will help you better comprehend the struggles your loved one is going through. Le

How to support Children’s Mental Health as a Parent? | Solh Wellness

  A child's mental health and that of their parents have some relationship. Since babies are born with "blank slates of mind," parents must be careful that whatever they do will automatically have an impact on their children's health and behaviour, including how aggressively they act towards one another and other children. Supporting Children's Mental Health 1. Modelling effective coping mechanisms - As previously stated, every issue has a solution, or what are known as coping mechanisms in the professional world. The act of modelling involves paying attention to one's own actions and copying them. In order for children to employ healthy behaviour as coping methods when they are in the same situation, parents must model good behaviour for them. 2. Keep an eye out for behavioural changes – As a child's developmental stage advances, so does their behaviour. However, if one notices that the child has become less social or isolated from their friends, family,

Solh Talks : Season 1 | Leading Ladies | Solh Wellness

Mental health stigma and discrimination persist in our society, creating significant barriers for people seeking help or support for their mental health. It can make people feel ashamed and isolated, worsening their mental health problems. By providing an AI-driven, non-judgmental, safe space for people to express themselves and seek help to prevent clinically diagnosed mental disorders, we hope to make mental health support affordable, 24x7 accessible, personalised, and accepted worldwide. So, whether you have mental health problems or want to learn how to support someone who does, we encourage you to watch this video and participate in the discussion. Remember that you are not alone and that assistance is available. Let us all work together to put an end to stigma and discrimination against people who suffer from mental illnesses. We'll be speaking with a diverse group of women who have defied societal norms and carved out their own paths to success, from athletes to artists, ent

Are you suffering from Burnout? | Solh Wellness

  Burnout occurs when a person begins to accept numerous tasks without adequate planning and feels unable to complete them. In essence, office workers are affected by this issue. Don't let office work stress you out. Continuous workload steals calmness and leads to burnout. People must essentially exercise caution when it comes to this matter because ongoing burnout issues are extremely problematic in many ways. The most important problem with burnout is how it steals your creativity without you even realising it. Symptoms Of Burnout: Exhaustion Changing sour Poor attention span Lack of immunity Feeling useless No creativity Constant mood swings A decline in interest in gatherings Suicidal ideas Fatigue The Burnout Cycle Let's get a clearer understanding of the burnout cycle. Even a competent and effective employee will experience burnout if they do not practise proper self-care and keep accepting new responsibilities without making any sort of plan. Despite having sincere int

Who is an Extrovert/Introvert? | Solh Wellness

  Do you have any hidden traits that could indicate whether you are an extrovert or an introvert ? In general, there are two types of people in the world. a talkative person who enjoys being the centre of attention. Second, those who prefer to speak less and only converse with a select group of individuals. Extroverts and introverts are terms used by experts to describe people. Let's go over both of these personality traits in more detail. Who Are the Extroverts? Extroverts are those who exhibit an expressive behavioural pattern and engage in expressive social behaviour. They are expected to have a social, assertive, friendly, energetic, and excitement-seeking nature. They are known for making friends easily and for being enthusiastic and action-oriented. They find it difficult to spend time alone, according to studies. Usually, their risk-taking tendencies put them in challenging circumstances. A. Biological Causes: It is also believed that extroverted personalities are linked to

7 ways to Improve your Sleep Quality | Solh Wellness

  The quality of your sleep directly affects both your mental and physical health. If you miss the mark, it can have a negative impact on your weight, usefulness, emotional stability, and daytime energy. However, a large number of us frequently struggle in the evening to get the rest we require. Getting a good night's sleep may seem impossible when you're wide awake at three in the morning, but you have much more control over the quality of your sleep than you probably realise. The solution to sleep issues is frequently found in your daily routine, just as how you feel during the day is frequently influenced by how well you sleep at night. Your mood, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and weight can all be negatively impacted by unhealthful daytime behaviours and lifestyle decisions, which can keep you up at night tossing and turning. However, by experimenting with the suggestions provided, you can benefit from better sleep in the evening, improve you