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Showing posts from July, 2023

Misconceptions about Mental Health | Solh Wellness

For a very long time, people have been embarrassed to talk about their challenges with mental diseases and mental health problems or to ask for treatment. Many myths and misconceptions about mental diseases have spread as a result of exaggerated media portrayal. Despite significant progress in the fight against stigma, there are still many widely held myths about mental illnesses that could prevent people from getting the assistance they require. These untrue assertions might be harmful in a number of different ways. Because they are terrified of being criticised, they promote erroneous views that discourage individuals from seeking help. Because they have unrealistic expectations about the kind of therapy they will receive, some people may decide not to seek therapy, which would force them to suffer in silence and possibly make their problems worse. Let's debunk some of these common mental health misconceptions : Myth 1: Mental illnesses are not frequently found ailments. Contrary

Impact of Disconnect from Nature on Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Have you ever noticed how different environments elicit various feelings in you? Even how our bodies function and how worried or relaxed we are can be influenced by our surroundings! When we experience anxiety or sadness in an uncomfortable situation, our bodies' systems may go into overdrive. On the other hand, being in a stunning natural environment might help us feel better and calm down. People of all ages and backgrounds like spending time in nature when they are worried. Our mental health is significantly impacted when we cut ourselves off from nature. Here are some ways that disconnecting from nature impacts us: Your Mental Health is Affected: Missing out on the pleasure of being outside on a beautiful day if you spend too much time indoors can be detrimental to your mental health. According to studies, exposure to sunlight, even through a window, can help people unwind more. It has also been demonstrated that exposure to daylight at work might lessen anxiety and despair.

Finding Emotional Support through Support Groups | Solh Wellness

Almost everyone needs social and emotional support since it helps us deal better with the difficulties of life. Surprisingly, having solid support can boost our independence and self-esteem, giving us greater ability to resolve problems on our own. We can be guided towards discovering solutions to our problems by encouraging friends and family members who have faith in our skills. The advantages of social support are not based on the number of people in our social network; even a small number of close ties can be significant. Coworkers, neighbours, or acquaintances from different faith communities can all be sources of these connections. Only a select few people naturally connect with others, and life transitions can result in the loss of long-standing bonds. However, it is possible to make new friends and develop a strong support system in order to benefit from social and emotional assistance. As was previously mentioned, social and emotional support is crucial for our general develop

Recognizing and Addressing the Mental Health Challenges of Parents | Solh Wellness

Mental illness causes changes in emotion, thought, and behaviour that have an effect on many facets of life. It is curable, so getting medical attention is crucial. Regardless of age, gender, income, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, anyone can develop a mental disorder. Early intervention and treatment can assist people in leading happy lives. Parents must take care of their mental health issues because raising children can be difficult. Some typical issues with their mental health include: Anxiety: It can be caused by a variety of things, including financial stress, interpersonal problems, or the worry that one isn't a good parent. It might be difficult for parents to remain composed and patient with their kids when they are anxious. Making decisions and concentrating on their children's needs may become challenging due to the parents' persistent concern and unease. Depression: Parents who are depressed may find it challenging to completely interact with their

How Seasons can affect your Mood and Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Seasons have a significant influence on how we live, affecting our everyday activities, emotions, and habits. Each season has its own distinct charm and difficulties, from the vivacious energy of spring to the warm cosiness of winter. As the weather changes, some people may suffer changes in mood and mental health. Our mood and mental health can be significantly impacted by the seasons. The onset of a new season might make some people depressed, exhausted, and agitated.  Let's investigate the intriguing relationship between the changing of the seasons and our mental health to better understand how our mood and mental health are impacted. Spring: A Ray of Hope and Renewal In nature and within ourselves, springtime denotes a season of rebirth and regeneration. Serotonin, the brain chemical that causes happiness, can be raised and moods improved by the longer days and more sunlight exposure. People are frequently motivated and experience an increase in energy as a result of this phen

Why Self-Care is Essential for Emotional Well-being | Solh Wellness

Spending time on pursuits that improve one's physical and mental wellbeing is a component of self-care. You may efficiently manage stress, strengthen your immune system, and have more energy by putting self-care first. Self-care practises of any size can make a big difference in your everyday life. Here are some self-care tips to begin with: Include regular exercise: Even 30 minutes of daily walking can improve mood and general well-being. Keep in mind that even little periods of activity contribute to your wellbeing. Choose a balanced diet and stay hydrated: Eating well-balanced meals and getting lots of water will help you be more alert and energised throughout the day. Limit your intake of caffeinated drinks like coffee and soft drinks. Give quality sleep first priority: Follow a regular sleep routine to make sure you get enough rest. To increase the quality of your sleep, reduce your pre-bedtime exposure to blue light from electronics. Engage in relaxing activities:  Conside

The Role of Employers in Promoting Mental Wellness in the Workplace | Solh Wellness

Employers have a duty to place a high priority on mental health in the same way that they do physical health, and they can help to promote mental health at work. By creating a welcoming and understanding environment, employers may enable employees to succeed in both their professional and personal lives. Employers can promote mental health in the workplace through a variety of strategies, such as:  Creating a welcoming workplace where staff members may talk openly about their mental health issues without being afraid of discrimination or hostility.  Facilitating quick and simple access for employees to resources that can help them maintain their mental health, such as counselling, mindfulness apps, or other services.  Encouraging staff to develop healthy routines, such as frequent exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction methods.  Putting together a unique flexible work plan for each employee, which can allow for possibilities like remote work, lunch breaks, or a range of hours

Minority Mental Health: Challenges & Raising Awareness | Solh Wellness

Mental health affects people from all walks of life, regardless of ethnicity or cultural heritage. However, it is sometimes disregarded or overlooked how difficult it is for minority communities to access and get high-quality mental health care. This blog aims to increase understanding of the specific problems minority populations have with their mental health and the significance of doing so in order to deal with these problems. The discrepancy in the standard and accessibility of mental health care is one of the main issues that minority populations face. These discrepancies might be influenced by socioeconomic standing, linguistic difficulties, cultural stigmatisation, and a lack of representation. They risk getting worse if they can't receive mental health services that are suitable for or respectful of their culture. Language barriers: It may be challenging for two people to communicate if their native tongues are different, which makes it challenging for them to receive menta