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Finding Emotional Support through Support Groups | Solh Wellness

Almost everyone needs social and emotional support since it helps us deal better with the difficulties of life. Surprisingly, having solid support can boost our independence and self-esteem, giving us greater ability to resolve problems on our own. We can be guided towards discovering solutions to our problems by encouraging friends and family members who have faith in our skills.

The advantages of social support are not based on the number of people in our social network; even a small number of close ties can be significant. Coworkers, neighbours, or acquaintances from different faith communities can all be sources of these connections.

Only a select few people naturally connect with others, and life transitions can result in the loss of long-standing bonds. However, it is possible to make new friends and develop a strong support system in order to benefit from social and emotional assistance.

As was previously mentioned, social and emotional support is crucial for our general development, thus we shouldn't abstain from developing strong relationships with others. 

Mental Health Support Groups

The following are some advantages of attending a support group and why it's crucial for your general wellbeing:

  • Realizing you're not alone:  the knowledge that you're not alone When you join a support group, you'll encounter people who are facing comparable difficulties. As it makes you aware that you're not the only one dealing with similar problems, it can be a soothing experience. Knowing that there are people who can relate to what you're going through will give you a sense of relief and connection.

  • Expressing yourself freely: Support groups give you a place to express yourself honestly by sharing your ideas, feelings, and life experiences in a secure and judgment-free environment. It can be therapeutic and comforting to be able to express oneself without worrying about being judged or misunderstood. Your emotions and experiences will be validated by those in the group who will listen to you with understanding and support.

  • Learning helpful information: Support groups are great for getting real-world advice, tools, and coping mechanisms. Members frequently provide strategies that have helped them overcome problems comparable to their own. You may get new perspectives and skills from this information exchange that will help you deal with challenging circumstances and better manage your mental health.

  • Improving social skills: Support groups provide a secure setting to practise social interactions for those whose mental illness or addiction has caused them to retreat from social situations. Your social skills are reconstructed and your confidence in interacting with others is increased through group participation, which promotes a sense of belonging.

  • Gaining hope for the future: Observing the development and encouraging changes in other group participants who are further along their road to recovery can give you confidence in your capacity to recover and advance. You are given new hope for a better future by the positive role models in the group who demonstrate that recovery is possible.

  • Reducing distress: As you actively engage in the group and work through your worries, you might feel less general pain and discomfort. Sharing your struggles and getting support from others helps lighten your emotional load and promote overall wellbeing.

  • Increasing self-understanding: Support groups present chances for introspection and self-discovery. You can better understand yourself and your needs by learning more efficient coping mechanisms and gaining understanding of the variables driving your challenges.

  • Helping others and feeling good:  As you go forward in your recovery, you can support and encourage group members who are going through similar struggles. Giving back to others can make you feel good and help you find meaning and fulfilment in your own life.

  • Accessibility and affordability: Support groups are frequently more accessible and less expensive than individual therapy sessions. Because of this accessibility, more people can take advantage of the group's resources and support.


Support groups have several advantages for those with mental health issues. They create a safe setting for you to engage with people who share your interests and have had similar experiences. Additionally, these groups offer helpful advice and coping mechanisms to help you deal with your challenges successfully.

We at Solh Wellness are aware of how important support groups are for increasing our wellbeing. For diverse mental health issues, we provide a selection of free, dedicated groups on our Solh app. You can connect with people in these forums who have gone through similar things, creating a network of people who can be empathetic and encouraging. Join our community now to get the help you need on your path to mental wellness.


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