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Nurturing self-esteem and fostering healthy body image in today’s youth | Solh Wellness

Self-esteem and body image problems are more common among young people in the present digital era. Many teenagers and young adults experience self-worth issues as a result of the continual exposure to idealised and inaccurate portrayals of beauty. This article explores the difficulties these young people experience, potential impacts on their mental health, and offers helpful suggestions for dealing with these problems and offering support.

Nurturing self-esteem and fostering healthy body image

The struggles faced by today’s youth:

  1. Misleading Beauty Standards: In an effort to instill false expectations in young people, the media frequently presents pictures of the "perfect" body.

  2. Social media impact: When young people compare themselves to photographs that have been manipulated and filtered, apps like Instagram and Snapchat encourage a culture of comparison that lowers self-esteem.

  3. Peer pressure: Young individuals may feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied with their appearance as a result of criticism and expectations that homogenise them from their classmates.

  4. Cultural expectations: Young people who struggle with their self-worth and body image could experience social pressure to adhere to rigid physical ideals.

Mental Health Consequences

  1. Low self-esteem: Constantly comparing oneself to others negatively can cause emotions of inadequacy and self-doubt, which affect one's estimation of their overall value.

  2. Depression and anxiety: These problems may develop if body image myths are repeatedly exposed to.

  3. Eating Disorders: The emergence of eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia may be influenced by body dissatisfaction and a distorted sense of self.

Combating Self-Esteem and Body Image Issues

  1. You may encourage body positivity by teaching young people about various body shapes and highlighting the notion that beauty can appear in a variety of ways.

  2. To encourage media literacy, challenge and examine how the media presents the beauty of young people.

  3. You can encourage healthy living by placing more of an emphasis on self-care, nutrition, and physical fitness than on purely aesthetic aims.

  4. Encourage young people to respect qualities like kindness, intelligence, and creativity in order to help them build a sense of self-worth that transcends outward appearances.

  5. To encourage self-acceptance, make a place where kids can be themselves and celebrate their uniqueness.

Providing Support for Youth

  1. Education and Awareness: To better assist young people on their path, arm parents, teachers, and mentors with information about self-esteem and body image issues.

  2. Open communication: Establish a welcoming environment where young people can express their thoughts and worries.

  3. Professional Intervention: Encourage people who are having a hard time accepting their bodies to seek out professional help, such counselling or therapy.

  4. Peer Support Networks: By building support networks within higher education institutions and local communities, you can encourage peer-to-peer dialogues regarding self-worth and body image.


We must all take note of the rising occurrence of self-esteem and body image issues among today's youngsters and do something about it. We can lay the foundation for a generation that is healthier, happier, and confident regardless of societal beauty standards by understanding the challenges that young people face, realising the effects those challenges have on their mental health, and putting various coping mechanisms and support systems in place. In order to promote a healthy body image and foster resilience in the face of cultural pressures, young people must be provided with the tools they require to accept their individuality.

Since mental health is important, we at Solh have selected a variety of effective self-help techniques to improve your mental wellbeing. Our services include goal-setting, mood analysis, self-assessment tests, journaling, and access to a vast collection of enlightening content. Utilise our extensive self-help resources to take control of your path to mental health improvement and personal growth.


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