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Psychological Capital: Working towards your Mental Wellbeing | Solh Wellness

Our ability to successfully handle difficult situations and get past barriers that affect our mental health is referred to as psychological capital. It refers to the abilities and assets we have for preserving and advancing our mental health. When people can maintain their mental health, their psychological capital is regarded as high. In other words, a person's psychological Capital grows as they become more resilient and capable of handling stress and adversity. To lay a strong psychological capital foundation, it is essential to cultivate and nurture our mental well-being.

Psychological Capital: Working towards your Mental Wellbeing

The Value of Psychological Resources

For people to be happy and healthy, they need psychological capital, or PsyCap. PsyCap has several advantages, including:

  • Personal happiness, success, and fulfilment depend on building psychological capital.

  • It improves resilience, enabling people to deal with difficulties, setbacks, and adversity more skillfully.

  • Building resilience, self-efficacy, hope, and optimism fosters confidence, drive, and problem-solving abilities.

  • Psychological capital gives people the ability to keep a positive outlook, persevere through hardship, and adjust to changing circumstances.

  • It enhances productivity, goal attainment, and involvement in a variety of facets of life.

  • People with higher levels of psychological capital are more likely to set ambitious goals, take initiative, and keep going after their goals.

  • Psychological capital promotes wholesome interactions, clear communication, and cooperative actions, improving leadership and teamwork skills.

  • Developing mental fortitude Capital provides people with the tools they need to succeed in their personal, professional, and social lives.

  • It results in greater overall happiness, achievement, and fulfilment.

How to Increase Your Psychological Capital

Now that we are aware of the advantages, it is time to comprehend how to improve mental health, or PsyCap: 

  • Use encouraging self-talk and affirmations to refute and reframe unfavourable beliefs. By repeatedly affirming your skills, resiliency, and potential, you can strengthen a positive mindset and increase your confidence.

  • Practise visualisation techniques where you picture yourself achieving your goals or overcoming obstacles. 

  • Visualise the steps, the feelings experienced, and the satisfying results. Your resilience, confidence, and drive will all be strengthened by using this technique.

  • By regularly recognising and appreciating the good things in your life, you can cultivate gratitude. Think about keeping a gratitude journal or pausing every day for a few minutes to think about your blessings. This routine fosters positivity and optimism.

  • Make mindfulness or meditation a part of your daily routine to develop self-awareness, lower stress levels, and enhance emotional wellbeing. You can manage your negative thoughts, stay present, and build resilience by engaging in mindfulness exercises.

  • Do your best to surround yourself with intelligent, encouraging people who have faith in your abilities. To bolster your psychological Capital, seek out mentorship, form meaningful connections, and participate in encouraging communities.

  • Keep a journal to track your experiences, development, and difficulties. Write about your accomplishments, your best qualities, and your problem-solving techniques. Writing in a journal encourages self-analysis, development, and resiliency.

  • Attend seminars, training sessions, or courses that are relevant to your interests or professional goals. Your confidence and self-efficacy can be increased by expanding your knowledge and expertise in particular areas.


The journey of building psychological capital (PsyCap) has the potential to positively affect our lives. We have the ability to significantly alter and improve a variety of aspects of life by developing and enhancing our PsyCap.

At Solh Wellness, we want to increase the psychological capital of each person and society by eradicating stigma and giving everyone access to preventive mental health services as well as tools and solutions. Enhancing PsyCap has a profound impact on not only your personal life but also the state of the world economy. Consider downloading the Solh Wellness App as a step towards bettering your life and mental health.


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