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How to identify a stubborn person? | Solh Wellness

It can be difficult to deal with stubbornness in any circumstance. It can spark arguments and conflicts, making it challenging to find solutions. There are a few telltale signs you can look out for if you want to know how to spot a stubborn person.

Stubbornness is a personality trait in which a person refuses to alter their viewpoints or their minds regarding decisions they have made. Those who have been subjected to emotional abuse may have a propensity for being stubborn when defending themselves from allegedly uncomfortable or abusive situations. This behaviour can be attributed to the person's coping strategy, which they developed as a means of defence against prior traumatic experiences.

Typical indications of stubbornness include:

-Failure to Change

Even when presented with new information or facts, a person who is stubborn frequently refuses to change their mind. No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, they have a tendency to hold onto their beliefs.


A person who is very stubborn may take an extremely rigid stance. They might be adamant about doing things a certain way without exploring any alternatives. When challenged, they frequently exhibit strong resistance to change and may even appear in anger or avoidance.

-Hard to Reach a Compromise

Even when it's necessary in the circumstances, a stubborn person finds it difficult to compromise with others. They might believe that their way is the only way and that they are always right. They may find it challenging to collaborate with others and foster a friendly environment as a result of their rigidity.

-Resistance to Authority

A person who is stubborn may show strong resistance to authority. They might struggle to follow rules and regulations and contest or question them. They might feel that they are in control and reject any attempts to direct or control them.

-Defending Perform

When pushed, a stubborn person may become very defensive. They might become angered or hostile if they feel like they are being attacked. Even when it is clear that they are in the wrong, they may attempt to defend their actions or beliefs.

How to deal with stubbornness:

Here are some techniques you can employ if you are interacting with someone who is obstinate:

-Be patient

It's critical to maintain composure and calm when interacting with stubborn people. The situation is likely to worsen if you act violently or angrily, making it more difficult to find a solution.

-Pay Attention

Try to pay close attention to what the other person has to say. Even if you disagree, taking into account their point of view can help you come up with a solution.

- Current Facts

Try presenting facts and evidence to back up your position if you want to overthrow a stubborn person's opinion. They may gain a new perspective on the situation as a result.

-Finding common ground

Find some common ground with the other person if at all possible. This can facilitate relationship-building and foster an atmosphere of cooperation.

-Avoid Power Conflicts

Avoid engaging in a power struggle with someone who is stubborn. Instead, concentrate on coming up with a solution that benefits both parties.

Although stubbornness can be a difficult trait to deal with, it is not insurmountable. You can settle disputes and foster better relationships with those around you by  being aware of the indications of stubbornness and employing effective communication techniques. Keep your cool, pay attention when others are speaking, and search for points of agreement. Even the most obstinate people can be convinced to cooperate with you with a little effort.

If you're having trouble with stubbornness, we can help you find the best, individualised support.

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