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5 Ways Parents Can Assist Their Children in Overcoming Exam Stress | Solh Wellness

 Growing competition and the stress that comes with it are not new in today's world. However, the consequences of this competition can be seen in the next generation at a very young age. Long-term stress from exams and academic activities may be a precipitating factor in an individual's anxiety and depression. There are ways for parents to learn the signs of Exam Stress in their children and how to help them overcome it.

Overcome Exam Stress by Solh Wellness

Exam Stress Symptoms

Specific changes in habits may be a sign in a child that a parent can notice if their child is under exam stress.

  • Feeling tense

  • Having headaches and stomach pains

  • Not sleeping well

  • Being irritated

  • Decrease or increase in appetite 

  • Not enjoying activities that are previously enjoyed

  • Being negative and having a low mood

  • Feeling hopeless about the future

Here are 5 tips to assist your child in dealing with exam stress:

  1. Getting Adequate Sleep

Adequate sleep improves focus and thinking. Teenagers typically need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. Encourage your child to get a good night's sleep by allowing 30 minutes between studying, watching TV, or using the computer and going to bed. Typically, staying up all night studying for a test is not a good idea. Sleep is far more beneficial to teenagers than a quick burst of last-minute studying.

  1. Discussing Exam Stress

It is normal to feel nervous or anxious before an exam. However, it should not exceed the limit. If the child is anxious, encourage them to practise the tasks they will complete on test day. This will make it appear less dangerous.

  1. Exercising

Physical activities aid in the release of stress in children. According to research, people who exercise more are less likely to be affected by stress. Group activities are especially beneficial during exam stress.

  1. Don't put extra pressure on yourself.

Criticizing the students for poor performance is a terrible way to deal with exam stress. In their lives, children require assistance, comfort, and assurance. Assuring them that failing does not mean failure and that if things do not work out, they may be eligible to retake the test can be beneficial. Instead of focusing on the questions they found difficult, discuss the aspects that went well. Instead of focusing on things that cannot be changed, move on and concentrate on the upcoming test.

  1. Activities for recreation

Recreational activities in between studies have been shown to be the best stress relievers, such as art; doing painting and crafts at home is a fun way to help your child de-stress. Offering rewards for completed tasks can boost a child's morale. Rewards do not have to be large or expensive. Simple activities such as cooking their favourite food or watching television can be included.


If your child is experiencing long-term exam stress, it is always best to consult with a professional. Certain useful parenting tips for overcoming exam stress can be extremely beneficial to both you and your children. Solh Wellness will assist you in locating the best counsellors for your specific needs.


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