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The Digital Dilemma: Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Mental Health | Solh Wellness

 The usage of social media by young people has recently become a major worry. Many young people appear to be intensely involved in it, even living their lives via it. The primary motivation for taking photographs these days is to share them on various social media platforms. The concept of making genuine memories appears to have disappeared. 

This has given rise to another hotly debated topic: the distinction between reel life (online) and real life. On social media, people frequently present an idealized image of their lives. These posts usually include smiles and depict a happy life. This behavior, however, has the potential to deceive others who follow them, leading them to feel that everyone around them is thriving while they are failing. This view may contribute to increased sadness. To combat this, a new movement has evolved in which people are encouraged to share their own difficulties. While this is a step in the right direction, it is only the beginning of resolving these challenges.

Social Media and Its Impact on Youth Mental Healt

Everything would appear to be fine if these difficulties did not have an impact on the mental health of young people. Unfortunately, that is not the case; the effects are disastrous. The influence on them is negative, primarily because some people use social media to publish private photographs or conversations of others that should be kept private. Hacking accounts and then using them for blackmail has become all too frequent. Tragically, this has led in suicides, and for those who have survived such occurrences, the toll on their mental health has been significant.

Aside from the above mentioned difficulties, young people are growing increasingly reliant on their social media presence. To the point where going without their phones has become a real challenge. FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is a new problem as a result of this phenomena. This concept centres around those who are addicted to social media and are continuously afraid that if they don't check their accounts at all times, they will miss out on something significant that is now trending. This absence could potentially cause humiliation in their social groups.

Here are some ideas to help young people deal with social media challenges:

  • Establish Boundaries: Setting limitations on your social media usage is critical. To maintain a healthy balance, restrict your time on these platforms to a few hours per day and take regular breaks from your gadgets.

  • Choose Your Connections Wisely: Be picky about who you follow. Maintain relationships with people who inspire and motivate you. Consider unfollowing particular accounts if they contribute to negativity.

  • Take Periodic Breaks: If you're feeling stressed out, take brief breaks from social media. Taking a few days off can help you cleanse your thoughts and return with a fresh perspective.

  • Emphasize the Positive: While using the internet, focus on improving posts and stories. Instead than concentrating on unpleasant content, seek out positive and inspiring content.

  • Reality Check: Keep in mind that social media demonstrates a selective view of life. What you see is frequently only the highlights, not the entire picture. Keep in mind that it does not accurately reflect real-life experiences.

  • Seek Support: If using social media becomes difficult, talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or counselor. They can assist you in building methods to deal with social media issues.


Excessive social media use has a harmful influence on youth, distorting reality, causing privacy violations, and promoting reliance. Setting restrictions, making selective connections, taking pauses, focusing on positive content, and seeking help are all solutions. To protect young well-being, we must all work together to promote healthy internet practices.

We realize the importance of mental health at Solh, which is why we've developed a collection of strong self-help products aimed to improve your mental health. Journaling, goal setting, self-assessment quizzes, mood analysis, and a wide library of stimulating information are among the services we provide. With our comprehensive self-help materials, you can take control of your journey toward personal growth and greater mental health.


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