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Guiding tips to avoid Self-comparison and enhance personal growth | Solh Wellness

Humans are social animals, which is one of the reasons why it could be challenging to learn how to quit comparing yourself to other people. At every stage of life, we compete with one another for opportunities for a career, an education, fulfilling relationships, and survival. If we aren't careful, our attention may go from ourselves and we may start comparing our own advancement to that of others. Since it is fundamentally human to want to judge oneself against others, this temptation can show up in almost every circumstance.

Guiding tips to avoid Self-comparison and enhance personal growth

Methods to Avoid Self-Comparison

  • Make a list of your best qualities, such as: It's easier to compare yourself to others when you don't feel good about yourself. It's easy to grossly undersell your own advantages while grossly overstating theirs. To help you avoid engaging in this destructive practise, make a list of your skills and talents, such as having a great sense of style or being an excellent listener. Finding your best habit could boost your sense of self-worth and self-love.

  • Learn to be grateful for others rather than feeling envious of them. Think about the benefits that other individuals might be able to provide. You should think about getting in touch with someone you know who has had a lot of success because they probably have many connections that can be of use to you in life. Rather than being jealous of them, assist them and profit from their success.

  • Recognise your advantages and disadvantages: Accept and acknowledge your faults as well as your strengths.We all possess certain qualities, room for improvement, and special skills. Instead of negatively contrasting yourself with others, put your attention on enhancing your own abilities and personality traits.

  • Face off with yourself: Use comparison to improve yourself rather than comparing your life to others'. Plan for the future and strive to become a better version of yourself. If you succeed in achieving these objectives, you might develop a unique range of experiences that are unconstrained by other people's expectations. Keep a record of your accomplishments when you create goals for yourself so you can assess your development. Then you can decide to put more of your attention on yourself than other people. 

  • Consult a trustworthy friend or relative. You could have even greater sentiments of inadequacy or unhappiness if you internalise these emotions and continuously comparing yourself to other people. By discussing your tendency of comparison with a loved one, you can let go of any negative thoughts you might be thinking and control your emotions.

  • Positive thinking should take the place of negative thinking because the latter could result in issues with self-esteem when you compare yourself to others. If you notice any self-defeating thoughts, remind yourself to replace them with ones that would make you feel proud of yourself.

How to quit obsessing on oneself

  • Constantly evaluating ourselves in relation to others may harm our growth and wellbeing. The following guidance can assist you in avoiding self-criticism and encouraging personal development:

  • Keep in mind that everyone has a different life path, and concentrate on your own journey. Put your own growth, objectives, and accomplishments before others'. Recognise and appreciate every accomplishment you've made, no matter how minor it may seem.

  • To make sure your aims are consistent with your values and aspirations, set important yet achievable goals. It is simpler to keep focused on developing yourself rather than becoming sidetracked by comparisons if you have defined goals and a feeling of purpose.

  • By exercising your skills, you can improve them. Instead of concentrating on your "weaknesses," consider how you could improve. To increase your knowledge and skills, enrol in classes, seminars, and workshops, and don't be shy about asking for assistance when you need it. Setting your needs first will help you find your identity, gain confidence, and understand your role in the world.

  • Be sympathetic, understanding, and kind to yourself as you learn to be compassionate with yourself. Recognise your inner critic and use positive affirmations to calm it. Remind yourself that everyone has their own issues and challenges, and be kind to yourself.

  • By concentrating on the positive aspects of your life, you can increase your gratitude. Respect your special abilities, successes, and advantages. Gratitude promotes contentment and a sense of fulfilment by eliminating comparison.

  • Accept positive influences: Surround yourself with optimistic, upbeat individuals who support your development and acknowledge your accomplishments. By creating a supportive social network, you can stop harsh comparisons.

  • Training in mindfulness: Practise mindfulness activities to become more conscious of your thoughts and emotions. If you find yourself comparing, gently bring your focus back to your own journey and the advancement you are making. 

  • Instead of letting comparisons to the past or the future control your thoughts, concentrate on the here and now.Place an emphasis on your personal development rather than comparing yourself to others. You can achieve happiness and fulfilment by pursuing your interests and expanding your education. Instead of attempting to be someone else, your goal should be to become your best version of yourself.


Remember that each person's path to personal development is individual and lasts a lifetime. Accept your own path, be proud of your achievements, and keep moving forward according to your own pace. We put a lot of work into providing preventative mental health therapies at Solh Wellness. The Solh Wellness App should be downloaded to start the transformation.


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