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Parental Communication with Children about Sexuality | Solh Wellness

Talking about sexual matters is taboo, especially in Indian culture. Sexual and physical health should be treated equally in daily life. Nowadays, kids use the internet so regularly that it's normal for parents to be oblivious of the content their kids are accessing. Parents must be open and honest with their children regarding sexual concerns, just as they are with other concerns, in order to provide their kids the self-assurance to convey their needs to their parents.

Parental Communication with Children about Sexuality

Significance of Parent-child Communication

For the following reasons, parental discussion of sex with children is crucial for a child's sexual development:

  1. Parents are their children's first teachers because at home, where they can see and interact with their families, youngsters learn the most. Parents have a responsibility to guide their children with age-appropriate sources of information because children rely on them for information about their environment. As a result, good communication between parents and children about sexuality helps children develop self-esteem and fosters a trustworthy environment.

  2. The accuracy and tone of sexual health information has an impact on children's knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding sex. Parents can correct any sexuality myths that children may encounter. Children can also learn about sexuality from peers if parents do not provide them with an open environment for learning about it or do not provide any information at all. Since it is impossible for parents to always stop their kids from consuming or evaluating false information as they grow, they talk to their kids about sexual issues right away.

  3. It is only possible to discuss sexuality with parents in a close connection or when a child feels safe telling their parents about their sexual orientation. Discussing sexuality with children can benefit their mental health, which will be beneficial to them in the long run.

Challenges in interaction between Parents and Children

Parents may experience a range of issues about sexuality because they are their children's major source of information:

  1. While parents do talk to their kids about sexuality, there are some subjects about which they could feel ashamed or at times feel as though they are lacking in sex-related information, which could occasionally cause a person's attitudes and behaviour to alter.

  2. Sometimes the type of communication is influenced by gender. moms were traditionally expected to have these conversations with their daughters and fathers with their sons, or in some situations, moms were expected to assume full responsibility for these conversations. Researchers came to the conclusion that parents frequently reported being more careful and having these conversations with daughters than with sons, as well as how it also became more stereotyped.

  3. Due to the social stigma attached to discussing sex in our society, this is the most frequent barrier. The result is these limitations on sexual communication. In addition, there can be an age gap, which occasionally makes communication difficult.

How can we promote healthy parent-child conversation?

The mental health of a child depends on parental involvement. There are various methods for helping out:

  1. Role of Parent: Parents' contributions to a child's mental health are significant. It's crucial to discuss sexual issues with children in order to give them a forum for honest discussion of any subject.

  2. Role of Schools: Schools are crucial in giving kids a safe, open atmosphere in which they can discuss their sexuality and their feelings with anyone with whom they feel comfortable.


For children's mental health, in particular, communication with parents about sexuality is crucial. Before things become worse, we at Solh Wellness strive to offer patients proactive mental health solutions. Make self-care a priority in your daily life and experiment with various approaches to proactively support your mental health. To begin the transformation, download the Solh Wellness App.


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