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What is a Toxic Relationship? Signs and What to Do? | Solh Wellness

A toxic relationship is one that is harmful to one's physical, mental, or emotional well-being. Toxic relationships are defined by the characteristics of fear, submission/domination, and dishonesty. A toxic relationship taints your sense of self-worth, happiness, and perspective on yourself and the outside world. A toxic person will leave a trail of shattered relationships, broken hearts, and broken people in their wake, but toxic relationships do not always end that way simply because the person you fell in love with later turned out to be toxic. Relationships may start out well, but as time passes, negative emotions, a troubled past, or unfulfilled desires may emerge, contaminating the bond between people. Even the most powerful people can be affected; it can happen quickly and easily.

What is Toxic Relationship by Solh Wellness

Toxic Relationship Warning Signs

Only the person in the relationship can determine whether the negative aspects of the relationship outweigh the positive. However, if someone consistently jeopardises another's well-being through their words, actions, or inaction, the relationship is probably poisonous.

Physical or verbal abuse in relationships is unquestionably destructive. There are, however, other, less obvious signs of a toxic relationship.

  • Having a negative impact on one's self-esteem over time.

  • Unsupported, misunderstood, demanded, or attacked.

  • After speaking or being with the other person, you may feel depressed, angry, or tired.

Getting Rid of a Toxic Relationship

Even after leaving a toxic relationship, it is difficult for people to completely overcome flashbacks. Certain negative memories or habits stick with a person for a long time, which is unhealthy for their lifestyle. However, there are ways to completely overcome it.

  1. Feelings should be processed

Leaving a bad relationship can be extremely difficult and complicated. It can provide an initial sense of freedom, but it can also be extremely difficult at times. It may be difficult to end a relationship. Allow yourself to be sad and experience your emotions when necessary. after you've given yourself enough time and space to feel all of your necessary emotions. If you try to suppress your emotions, the healing process may take longer. Allowing yourself time and space to feel and process your emotions is the first step in beginning relationship recovery.

  1. Avoid making contact

It may be very tempting to contact an ex-partner after going through a toxic relationship, especially if it lasted a long time. However, it is often preferable to have some space and avoid all communication. If communication with the former partner continues after separation, a person can be dragged back into the poisonous tango. If there are children involved, there are beneficial methods for co-parenting with a difficult person, and contact will inevitably occur.

  1. Expect no closure

Expecting the toxic partner to make a final statement or apologise is generally not a good idea. The toxic person will almost certainly gain leverage over their partner if they hope to move on after the closure.

  1. Maintain contact with positive people

Surrounding oneself with positive people is the most effective way to overcome a traumatic past. A support system can include family, friends, a therapist, support groups, and others. It could be very beneficial to spend time with someone you trust. Toxic relationships tend to keep people apart, so it's a good idea to reconnect with long-lost friends.

  1. Acceptance

Being in toxic relationships can be very isolating. Writing about your experiences in a private notebook before sharing them with others can be beneficial. The next step in opening up about the past and accepting it gracefully is to speak with a therapist or a trusted friend or family member. Your story is important, but it's often far more important to be prepared and willing to share it with others.

  1. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the most effective way to overcome a traumatic past. It makes no difference whether the other person was deserves  to be forgiven or not; what matters most is mental peace. While forgiveness helps you grow beyond who you were, anger shrinks you on the inside.


When dealing with any type of toxic relationship, it is critical to prioritise your health and well-being. As a result, if you're dealing with someone who drains your happiness and vitality, consider getting rid of them or, at the very least, reducing your time spent with them. Also, if you are the victim of physical or emotional abuse, seek immediate help.


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