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How Reading & Writing helps Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Reading and writing have been shown to have a variety of mental health benefits, ranging from stress reduction to improved cognitive function. Individuals can use these activities to process their emotions, express themselves, and gain new perspectives. In this blog, we will look at how reading and writing can help with mental health.

How Reading & Writing helps Mental Health

How Does Reading Affect Mental Health?

Reading has been shown to relax the brain and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Reading, according to University of Sussex research, can reduce stress levels by up to 68%. This is due to the fact that reading allows people to escape their current reality and immerse themselves in a different world, which can provide a much-needed break from daily stressors.

Reading can also increase empathy and understanding of others. Readers can better understand diverse perspectives by reading stories about different people's experiences, which can improve their communication and social skills. It has been demonstrated that reading improves cognitive function and memory. Readers exercise their brains and improve their ability to retain information by engaging with complex texts. Mrs. Deepa Agarwal, this week's Solh Talks guest, discussed how the benefits of reading can help an individual overcome mental disorders. Watch the episode right now!

How to Make Reading a Part of Your Mental Health Routine

Many people require assistance in maintaining a reading routine. Starting small is the key to incorporating reading into a mental health routine. Reading just ten pages of a self-help book before going to bed or waking up can help a person establish a healthy routine. Reading can be extremely beneficial to someone suffering from a mental illness.

How Does Writing Affect Mental Health?

Writing can also have numerous mental health benefits. Individuals can process their emotions through methods such as expressive writing, which allows them to better understand their feelings and develop coping mechanisms. Journaling, in particular, can be an extremely effective tool for self-reflection and personal development.

The Advantages of Journal Writing

Writing in a journal has several advantages, including increased self-esteem and confidence. Individuals who put their thoughts and feelings on paper can feel a sense of accomplishment and ownership over their ideas, which can be especially beneficial for those suffering from low self-esteem or self-doubt. Writing can be a therapeutic form of creative expression. Individuals can use creative or expressive writing to explore their imaginations and develop their distinct voices. This can be an extremely effective tool for personal growth and development. The advantages of keeping a journal can help a person overcome depression.

How to Make Writing a Part of Your Mental Health Routine

The primary habit of journaling can assist an individual in developing a routine. If you're looking for a safe place to share your deepest thoughts and feelings, look no further. The Solh Wellness personal journal platform provides a committed, non-judgmental, and secure space for you to freely express yourself. We have journaling for mental health covered, whether you want to write a personal diary or share your experiences of struggle or solutions.

Keep your thoughts in a secure "my diary" section so you don't forget them and can share them with others when it's convenient for you. Our platform provides real stories from committed people, not fabricated social media posts that can depress you. So, if you want to get rid of the fear of being judged or misunderstood, come join our community today and get the help you need to improve your mental health.


Reading and writing are critical skills for anyone suffering from a mental illness. Connect with Solh Wellness if you're looking for a solution to your mental health issues. We are creating an AI-driven, non-judgmental, safe space for individuals to share their feelings and express their thoughts through personalised mental health solutions and tools. Take a step towards better mental health by downloading the Solh App.


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