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Anorexia Nervosa - Symptoms & Causes | Solh Wellness

A potentially fatal eating disorder in which a person restricts their food intake. Individuals with anorexia frequently experience fear of being overweight, societal pressure, or depression. Anorexia typically begins in women around the age of 15, but it can affect anyone. Anorexia affects nearly 4% of women and 0.3% of men worldwide.

Anorexia Nervosa - Symptoms & Causes by Solh Wellness

Anorexia symptoms include:

Specific behavioural indicators of anorexia include refusing to eat in front of others, engaging in excessive exercise to burn calories, and hiding their bodies in baggy clothing. Some people even develop eating rituals, such as slicing their food into tiny pieces or rearranging the food on their plate to appear to have consumed more than they have.

A person suffering from this disorder may also exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness and faintness

  • Extreme exhaustion (fatigue)

  • Eating extremely restricted

  • Anxiety about gaining weight

  • Period loss or failure to initiate a menstrual cycle

  • Body fat and muscle loss or fluctuation

  • Circulation issues (constantly feeling cold)

  • Skin that has turned yellow, is dry, or is covered in soft hair

  • Using diet pills or other aids

  • Constantly discussing weight or food

  • Suicidal ideas or actions

Anorexia's Dangers: Anorexia is linked to serious medical problems. Malnutrition, low blood pressure, slower respiration and pulse, and heart and heart function damage are all possible outcomes. It may also cause electrolyte imbalance and severe dehydration.

How Anorexia originated? 

The precise cause of anorexia is unknown, but it is most likely the result of a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Although the genes involved are still unknown, some people may be predisposed to anorexia due to genetic abnormalities.


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is by far the most effective treatment for this disorder. For young people suffering from anorexia, family-based treatment (FBT) may be recommended. If you are suffering from this disorder or know someone who is, get in touch with us and schedule an appointment at Solh Wellness. Solh Wellness is India's first mental health marketplace, offering all necessary tools and solutions as well as preventive tips.


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