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How To Choose The Right Therapist For You? | Solh Wellness

When seeking counseling or a therapy session, this question frequently crosses one's thoughts. The majority of us either search online for therapists in our area or visit one that has been recommended to us. We discuss our life stories with our counselors during treatment because we have a personal connection with them. We also seek their advice on how to handle the challenging situations that have a significant negative impact on our mental health.  Look for these thing while finding the right therapist : Credential: Examine the therapist's credentials to see whether or not they are qualified to address your difficulties. Finding a therapist that specializes in relationship counseling is a good idea since they will be able to handle your case more methodically and effectively than one who focuses on rehabilitation. Each therapist has distinct areas of competence. Compatibility: Successful treatment depends on the relationship that develops between the therapist and their pati

Different Types of Psychotherapies: Exploring Your Options | Solh Wellness

Numerous psychological therapies provide useful strategies for overcoming daily obstacles when it comes to improving your mental health. These treatments, often known as talk therapies or psychotherapies, offer a framework for comprehending and controlling your ideas, feelings, and behaviors. Let's look at the various forms of psychological therapy that are offered: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) The focus of the popular therapy known as CBT is on recognizing and altering negative thought patterns. By identifying and dealing with these ideas, people can manage conditions like anxiety, melancholy, and stress efficiently. Through CBT, you are taught useful tools to change your negative thinking. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)   Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-promoting techniques are combined in DBT. Those who struggle with strong emotions, risky behavior, and interpersonal problems benefit the most from it. DBT teaches individuals how to control their feeli

From Struggle to Strength: Nurturing Freedom Through the Journey of Seeking Help | Solh Wellness

It can be quite frightening to deal with mental illness alone and without seeking support. This anxiety may cause individuals to withdraw from activities out of concern for possible panic attacks or to prevent distressing thought patterns from starting. Untreated mental disease prevents personal development and causes unwillingness to move on in life. Even if they gather the resolve to move forward, a lurking fear of the repercussions may cast a shadow over their efforts, preventing any further development. This continues a loop where ideal success is elusive. The study emphasizes how severely mental illness affects productivity and creativity. The constant fight to have a positive outlook drains personal energies, leaving little room for their professional activities. This emphasizes the fact that people's mental health issues not only impair their wellbeing but also their capacity to thrive in creative and productive spheres. We are aware of how solitary it can be to struggle wit

The First Step: What to expect when you go to Therapy | Solh Wellness

As crucial as maintaining good physical health is maintaining good mental health. Congratulations if you've made the decision to schedule your first therapy session as a step toward greater mental health. In order to make you feel more prepared and at ease, this blog will walk you through what to anticipate during your first therapy appointment. Scheduling and Preparation for First Therapy You must make an appointment with a mental health practitioner before your initial treatment session. This individual could be a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or therapist. Take some time to collect your thoughts after your appointment. Consider your conversation topics, therapeutic objectives, and any questions you may have. The First Therapy Session: Getting Started The therapist will probably greet you when you show up for your first counseling session . They'll set up a welcoming environment where you may express your ideas and emotions. The therapist may begin by going over conf

Debunking 7 Common Myths About Therapy | Solh Wellness

  The critical need for mental health awareness stems from the fact that each year, 13% of children, 46% of teenagers, and 19% of adults have mental diseases. People in your own family, your neighbors, classmates, professors, or coworkers in the cubicle next to you might be going through these difficulties. Tragically, barely half of those affected actively seek help, frequently because mental health still has a stigma. These problems, if untreated, can lead to higher medical costs, worse academic and professional performance, less employment possibilities, and a higher risk of suicide. Even though therapy has been shown to be a successful method for treating mental health problems, there are still misconceptions about it. In this article, we'll refute some of the myths about therapy that are most commonly held while highlighting its advantages and practical applications. . The following are some widespread misconceptions about mental health therapy: Myth 1: Therapy is Only for &qu

The Importance of Early Intervention and Diagnosis in Mental Illness | Solh Wellness

  Any person, regardless of age, gender, or social standing, can acquire a mental condition. It is a highly serious medical illness that drastically impairs daily functioning and has an impact on people's emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. Although managing mental diseases can be difficult, the importance of early intervention and diagnosis cannot be overstated. For individuals who are affected, early detection and treatment can greatly improve the situation. We'll discuss the importance of early mental health intervention and mental disease diagnosis in this blog article.  Recognising the Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness  Understanding the early warning signs and symptoms of mental illness is the first step towards early intervention. We can start the process of seeking therapy for ourselves or our loved ones by becoming aware of the typical warning signs, such as chronic depression, concern, rapid mood swings, social disengagement, changes in eating or sleeping patterns,

The Link between Mental Health and Human Trafficking | Solh Wellness

  There are over 3.3 million victims of sex trafficking worldwide, the majority of whom are women, and it is a grave concern. It's estimated that more over a million of them are kids. Due to the unlawful nature of the activity, it is difficult to gather precise data, which results in low data quality. There is no denying the link between sex trafficking and mental health problems. We can better comprehend the severity of the harm and develop effective recovery strategies by investigating why this connection arises. Factors affecting Mental Health of Human Trafficking Victims : Biological factors: Due to sexual exploitation, sex trafficking victims—especially young people—experience severe psychological stress, which causes noticeable neurochemical and structural alterations in the brain.  Extreme stress may cause changes in gene activity in the hypothalamus and other regions of the brain. Changes in the production of important stress-related hormones, such as pro-opiomelanocortin,