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The Link between Mental Health and Human Trafficking | Solh Wellness

 There are over 3.3 million victims of sex trafficking worldwide, the majority of whom are women, and it is a grave concern. It's estimated that more over a million of them are kids. Due to the unlawful nature of the activity, it is difficult to gather precise data, which results in low data quality.

There is no denying the link between sex trafficking and mental health problems. We can better comprehend the severity of the harm and develop effective recovery strategies by investigating why this connection arises.

Mental Health and Human Trafficking

Factors affecting Mental Health of Human Trafficking Victims:

Biological factors: Due to sexual exploitation, sex trafficking victims—especially young people—experience severe psychological stress, which causes noticeable neurochemical and structural alterations in the brain. 

Extreme stress may cause changes in gene activity in the hypothalamus and other regions of the brain. Changes in the production of important stress-related hormones, such as pro-opiomelanocortin, corticotropin-releasing hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and cortisol, may occur from this.

Other neuromodulator systems, such as growth hormone, norepinephrine, GABA, opioids, and 5-HT, are also affected. 

Genetic factors: Many sex trafficking victims come from families where depression, schizophrenia, alcoholism, and drug addiction are highly prevalent. 

Although studies particularly examining genetic relationships between these disorders and mental health problems brought on by sex trafficking have not been conducted, it is crucial to take into account the likelihood that survivors may have a genetic propensity to have mental health concerns.

The way a person reacts to stress and their propensity to suffer from ailments like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are both influenced by genetics. This propensity is further exacerbated by epigenetic variables resulting from exposures during pregnancy.

Psychosocial factors: Victims of sex trafficking are placed in a challenging scenario that includes criminality, drug addiction, and poverty. When these negative elements combine, the situation becomes worse and violence spirals out of control, further harming the mental health of survivors. 

Some Self Care measures for the Victims of Trafficking :

  • Controlled Breathing and Relaxation: To calm your mind and body, use strategies like taking slow, deep breaths. Stress and anxiety may be lessened as a result. Online resources provide valuable techniques.

  • Being Present in the Moment (Grounding): When you're feeling overloaded, concentrate on your senses to help you ground yourself in the present. Take a moment to listen, touch, see, smell, and taste your surroundings. This can lessen intense emotions and help you focus on the here and now.

  • Joyful Items and Activities:Make a list of the objects and activities that provide you joy, such as your favorite hobbies or products. Refer to this list on difficult days and attempt to do something enjoyable.

  • Physical Self-Care: Physical self-care includes eating healthily and engaging in regular exercise, even if it's only a quick stroll outside. Small changes can have a tremendous impact on your physical and mental well-being.

  • Stay Connected: Stay in touch with the individuals you can trust, such as your friends and family. Having a network of supporters can provide one comfort and a feeling of belonging. It's crucial to have someone you can confide in and rely on. you can talk to and lean on when needed.


Understanding the biological, genetic, and psychosocial circumstances of sex trafficking survivors is essential to addressing the mental health issues they face. We may create more efficient solutions to lessen the huge mental burden these vulnerable people bear by accepting this multidimensional approach.

We at Solh Wellness understand the importance of mental health, which is why we've put together a selection of potent self-help tools that can improve your mental health. Our services include goal-setting, mood analysis, self-assessment tests, journaling, and access to a vast collection of enlightening content. Utilize our extensive self-help tools to take control of your path to mental health improvement and personal growth.


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