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The Dangers of Drug Abuse: What You Need to Know | Solh Wellness

Substance misuse is still a major problem in today's society, affecting people, families, and communities everywhere. One of the most pervasive issues affecting our society is drug usage. The usage of drugs has had an impact on both society and pupils. Drug abuse has been for a while, but in recent years it has gotten much worse for both young and old individuals. Substance abuse can have a terrible impact on interpersonal relationships, general wellbeing, and relationships.  We must educate ourselves about the risks of substance usage and arm people with the knowledge they need to stop it and lessen its negative effects if we are to successfully tackle this issue. We can create a better and safer future for ourselves and future generations by increasing awareness and supporting education. 1. Risks to Physical Health: Substance Abuse can result in a number of physical health issues. You might be: depending on the medicine you're using: Lower Life Expectancy and Poorer Quality

Yoga and its Benefits for Anger Management | Solh Wellness

International Yoga Day is observed on June 21. It was established in 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly to publicise the benefits of yoga practise and promote its wider adoption. The goal of the day is to raise awareness of the potential benefits of yoga in fostering global peace and harmony among individuals and communities as well as physical and mental well-being. On International Yoga Day, individuals participate in yoga classes, workshops, and events that are held all around the world to celebrate and enjoy yoga together. It serves as a reminder of how important it is to incorporate yoga into a daily routine in order to enhance general health and fitness. Yoga is a holistic discipline that incorporates physical postures, meditation techniques, and breathing techniques to improve overall wellbeing. Yoga can promote emotional balance in anger control, reduce stress, and aid in the development of self-awareness. By lowering stress levels, fostering emotional control, redirec

A Guide for Fathers of Children with Special Needs | Solh Wellness

  Most of the time, we forget that dads are considered to be parents and that they experience parenting challenges on an equal footing with moms. The fathers experience this because they are surrounded by a variety of social stigmas. Mothers are expected to take care of the child, and they are meant to be powerful and manly. As a result, males who do express their worries as parents to their kids feel threatened to do so, and those who do so are afraid to call for support for their emotional health because they are not permitted to display weakness. Fathers of children with special needs often experience a variety of challenges, such as emotional stress, financial hardship, limited access to support, time and energy demands, consequences on family dynamics, a lack of respite care, social isolation, and future uncertainty. Fathers must seek assistance and practise self-care to deal with these difficulties. Self-Care for Fathers Fathers can take care of themselves while attending to the

Breaking Barriers: Embracing Fatherhood's Challenges | Solh Wellness

When we talk about parenting, the obstacles males experience are frequently disregarded as the conversation usually centres on the duties of mothers. Even though it's important to know that comparing roles is pointless, it's as important to raise awareness of the difficulties that fathers face as a result of societal prejudices and cultural conventions. Our goal is to identify the variables that affect a father's experience as a parent and to offer helpful advice for overcoming these obstacles.  Limited Paternal Leave: Although the birth of a child causes profound changes in a father's life, paternal leave is frequently only granted for a short period of time. It is important to recognise that a father's involvement in parenting is also critical because he shows his kids love and attention right away. Research repeatedly demonstrates that youngsters who witness a close and loving relationship between both parents during their formative years develop into happier, m

Taboos Associated with Men's Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Because of the recent increase in understanding and conversation around mental health, people are being urged to ask for help and be open about their problems. Men continue to confront unique challenges despite considerable progress in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. Despite the fact that the public dialogue on mental health has changed substantially over the past ten years, there is still a noticeable gap between men and mental health. The problem goes much beyond the idea that men don't want to express their emotions; stigma, male stereotypes, and societal issues have a significant negative impact on how men perceive, manage, and treat their mental health. The societal expectations and presumptions about men are typically the source of these taboos. It is crucial to raise awareness, address these taboos, and advance a more understanding and sensitive viewpoint on men's mental health. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at a few of these taboos and talk a

Living with Alzheimer's: How it affects the Mental Health of Caregivers | Solh Wellness

  Living with Alzheimer's disease not only impacts the individuals diagnosed but also has far-reaching effects on their families. As the disease progresses, patients experience memory loss, confusion, behavioral changes, and difficulty recognizing loved ones. This can be emotionally challenging for family members. Family caregivers play a crucial role in providing Alzheimer's care, but it often brings about significant lifestyle changes and affects their emotional well-being.  Common Symptoms of Alzheimer Alzheimer's disease gradually impairs cognitive functions, leading to memory loss, confusion, decision-making difficulties, mood swings, language problems, and difficulty recognizing familiar individuals and places. As the disease advances, patients may struggle to remember close family members, which can be distressing for the entire family. The Role of Family Caregivers and how it impacts their mental health Family caregivers play a vital role in the comprehensive care o

Dance Movement Therapy in Healing and Promoting Self- Expression | Solh Wellness

Dance was once only done for fun, but psychologists have now discovered its positive effects on our mental health. Numerous studies have shown that dancing therapy is particularly helpful for those with anxiety, depression, and body image problems. How does dance therapy work and what is it? Dance and movement are used in dance therapy, also known as dance/movement therapy (DMT), which is a form of psychotherapy used to enhance one's emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It recognises the connection between the mind and body. It is led by trained therapists who guide individuals or groups through dance and movement activities to explore emotions, improve communication, reduce stress, and promote personal growth. Dance therapy can help people of all ages and abilities reconnect with their bodies and improve overall wellbeing. The advantages of dance therapy Dance therapy promotes mental health in a number of ways by utilising movement and dance as therapeutic methods. The fol