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Dance Movement Therapy in Healing and Promoting Self- Expression | Solh Wellness

Dance was once only done for fun, but psychologists have now discovered its positive effects on our mental health. Numerous studies have shown that dancing therapy is particularly helpful for those with anxiety, depression, and body image problems.

How does dance therapy work and what is it?

Dance and movement are used in dance therapy, also known as dance/movement therapy (DMT), which is a form of psychotherapy used to enhance one's emotional, physical, and mental well-being. It recognises the connection between the mind and body. It is led by trained therapists who guide individuals or groups through dance and movement activities to explore emotions, improve communication, reduce stress, and promote personal growth. Dance therapy can help people of all ages and abilities reconnect with their bodies and improve overall wellbeing.

Dance Movement Therapy in Healing and Promoting Self- Expression

The advantages of dance therapy

Dance therapy promotes mental health in a number of ways by utilising movement and dance as therapeutic methods. The following list includes some ways that dance therapy could benefit mental health:

  • Patients who receive dance therapy have a nonverbal means of expressing their emotions. People can release and express emotions that may be hard to put into words.

  • Stress reduction: By promoting relaxation, releasing tension, and increasing endorphin release—a hormone that naturally improves mood—dance and exercise can help reduce stress levels.

  • Dance therapy emphasises the connection between the mind and body and promotes awareness of one's physical symptoms, feelings, and thoughts. Going for it helps people understand and appreciate their bodies better, which raises their self-esteem and positive body image.

  • Self-confidence and empowerment: Through dance therapy, individuals can boost their self-confidence and sense of empowerment by expressing their creativity, picking up new skills, and finding fulfilment through movement.

  • Social interaction and connection: Group activities used in dance therapy typically encourage social interaction, a sense of community, and relationships with others.  Mindfulness and self-awareness: Dance and movement activities include focus and attention to the present moment, which encourages mindfulness and self-awareness. This can help to lessen feelings of loneliness and isolation and improve overall wellness. By doing this, individuals may become more conscious of their emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations.

Dance therapy provides a complete approach to mental health by addressing emotional, physical, and psychological well-being via the transformative power of movement and dance.

Mental health and dance

Dance therapy is a powerful tool for treating a wide range of mental health issues. The following conditions are treated or managed primarily with it:

  • Anxiety disorders: It can help minimise the signs of anxiety by encouraging serenity, body awareness, and expressive movement.

  • Depression: Dance therapy can alleviate the symptoms of depression by enhancing mood, boosting energy, and providing people with a creative outlet for expressing their emotions.

  • PTSD: Studies have indicated that dance therapy is effective in processing traumatic events, reducing hyperarousal, and promoting emotional healing and resilience.

  • Eating disorders: Dance therapy can improve body image, aid in body acceptance, and provide a nonverbal forum for exploring and expressing emotions related to disordered eating.

  • Substance abuse and addiction: By providing healthy outlets for stress relief and self-expression, dance therapy can aid in emotional regulation, self-awareness, and relapse avoidance.

  • Autism spectrum disorders: Dance therapy assists persons with this disorder's social interaction, communication skills, and self-expression.

  • ADHD: Dance therapy can help people with ADHD focus, practise self-control, and increase their body awareness.

It's important to keep in mind that dance therapy is frequently utilised as a complimentary method to other therapeutic treatments. The specific goals and outcomes of dance therapy can vary depending on the requirements and circumstances of the patient.


We provide dance therapy as an allied therapy on our Solh Wellness platform. We offer professionals that can advise you and assist you in using dance as a therapeutic method to address your mental health issues. By selecting the Allied therapy category on the Solh site, where dance therapy is a subset, you can schedule your appointment.


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