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Who is an Extrovert/Introvert? | Solh Wellness

 Do you have any hidden traits that could indicate whether you are an extrovert or an introvert? In general, there are two types of people in the world. a talkative person who enjoys being the centre of attention. Second, those who prefer to speak less and only converse with a select group of individuals. Extroverts and introverts are terms used by experts to describe people. Let's go over both of these personality traits in more detail.

Who Are the Extroverts?

Extroverts are those who exhibit an expressive behavioural pattern and engage in expressive social behaviour. They are expected to have a social, assertive, friendly, energetic, and excitement-seeking nature.

They are known for making friends easily and for being enthusiastic and action-oriented.

They find it difficult to spend time alone, according to studies. Usually, their risk-taking tendencies put them in challenging circumstances.

A. Biological Causes: It is also believed that extroverted personalities are linked to dopaminergic and cortical arousal in the brain. Extroverts are evaluated to describe their excessive need for activity and excitement by evaluating lower levels of cortical arousal and lower dopaminergic responsiveness. The extraversion trait of an extrovert person is strongly associated with a variety of human behaviours, such as academic success, professional performance, a propensity for taking risks, and others.

B. Psychological Traits: Extroverts are also aware of certain psychological traits that are more advantageous to them than other activities. Here are a few examples:

-Get energised by conversing with others

-Keep up a large social network

-Preferred teamwork over solo efforts

-Enjoying time away from home

-Have a strong desire to partake in social activities

Advantages of being extroverted

The best thing about being an extrovert is that you are less likely to suffer from certain mental illnesses.

On the other hand, extraversion can also play a role in the development of impulsivity, arrogance, recklessness, and other bad habits.

Extrovert Person by Solh Wellness

An Introvert Is Who?

An introvert prioritises their own feelings over stimulation from the outside world. Being an introvert does not imply that you dislike interacting with others or experience anxiety when they are present. It merely concerns belonging to a select group of individuals.

A. Biological explanations: Compared to extroverts, introverts have a higher blood flow to their frontal lobes. This region of the brain is in charge of aiding in planning, problem-solving, and memory. Dopamine affects introverts and extroverts' brains in different ways (a chemical that turns on while receiving an award or drawing pleasure from something).

B. Psychological characteristics: Introverts prefer not to converse with others for extended periods of time. They typically prefer to engage in meaningful conversations with those who they are already familiar with.

Each of the two personality dimensions has its own traits. The next time you interact with someone who behaves or operates differently from you, pause before making assumptions; everyone has a different way of doing things.


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