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7 Signs Your Relationship Is Giving You Anxiety | Solh Wellness

Every relationship has its share of challenges, disagreements, and agreements. However, relationships that are overly tense are unhealthy.

There are times when bad things can happen in a relationship, such as a loved one's passing, money problems, or a job loss. Being in a difficult situation while in a relationship does not always mean that it is unhealthy. But when do problematic relationships end and unhealthy ones begin.

Signs of Relationship Anxiety by Solh Wellness

Throughout a relationship, there are potential red flags and warning signs that could result in an unhealthy situation. We've posted a thorough guide to help you better understand your situation if you're interested in learning about the signs that your relationship is making you uneasy.

You consider your words too carefully

For a relationship to be healthy, there must be enough communication. However, you can tell that your anxiety level has increased if you feel as though you can't even express what you're thinking or want to say.

If you give it some thought, you may also be able to manage your emotions. When you try to bring up a subject that bothers you, perhaps you feel cut off.

Regular feelings of worry may result if you feel that you are unable to express what you think or want to say because you are worried about your partner's response. Nobody should have to walk a tightrope in their relationships every day.

You are unable to make a constructive balance

Being obstinate and unwilling to make concessions in a relationship is one thing; giving in to your partner's demands on a regular basis is quite another. In your eyes, that isn't even a compromise; it's just giving up, which causes you to lose a piece of who you are and increases your anxiety.

Your relationship worries you all the time

The worry that your partner wants to end the relationship, which is typically completely unfounded, can add additional stress to the relationship. Most of the time, there are clear signs that a relationship isn't working out or that your partner might want to end it. In the absence of these red flags, take your relationship at face value and assume that your spouse wants to be with you.

Compared to your partner, you are working much harder on the relationship

One of the worst things that could happen is to realise you are the only one trying in a relationship. It is upsetting to think that the other party does not appreciate the benefits of working with you on a project. Due to your partner's ongoing inaction, you might start to worry.

Being absent during the enjoyable moments

By focusing on the here and now and avoiding worrying about the future, you can control this relationship anxiety.

Comparison of your relationship to others

If you struggle with relationship anxiety, you might be tempted to contrast your current relationship with previous ones, relationships you have with friends, or your idealised idea of relationships. If you act in this manner, neither your marriage nor your relationship will succeed. Put more effort into your connection rather than using comparison to deal with stress.

Anxiety about having sex


It can be difficult to become sexually intimate with your spouse when you're first dating. As you and your partner try out sexual intimacy, these uneasy feelings should disappear. If not, you might be experiencing relationship anxiety. By being up front and honest with your spouse about what is causing the anxiety so that you can work through it together, you can ensure that the physical intimacy is enjoyable for both of you.

The following are some typical situations that could exist in your relationship and cause you anxiety:

1. The relationships you've had romantically

It's possible that your memories of those events are still having an impact on you, despite the fact that you may believe you've mostly moved on from them. You could be more vulnerable to having relationship anxiety if a former partner:

  • Told you a lie about their feelings for you

  • Quit you without warning

  • Told you a lie

2. Attachment Type

How we connect as adults can be greatly influenced by the attachment style we develop as children. You probably developed a secure attachment style if your parents or other primary carers were prompt in attending to your needs and offered love and support. Your attachment type may be less secure if they don't consistently meet your needs or permit you to develop freely.

Do difficult relationships have an impact on your health?

Because tense relationships can make you feel more anxious, you should be aware of relationship warning signs.

If you see red flags in your relationship and they ignore your worries, you should think about ending it, no matter how difficult it may be. Always keep in mind the value of your thoughts and that you should take all reasonable precautions to maintain your strength and mental stability.


Accepting that no relationship is completely reliable can be difficult.

Even though you might not be able to completely avoid it, there are things you can do to lessen relationship anxiety so you can spend more time with your partner truly enjoying each other's company.

To help you treat and manage your relationship anxiety, we advise couples therapy. Connect with our therapists and counsellors, which results in lower levels of reassurance-seeking and self-silence.

Trust your gut instincts, seek assistance, and get the Solh Wellness app right away!


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