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Types of Psychotherapy: Which One is Best for You? | Solh Wellness

The term "psychotherapy" refers to the process of treating mental health issues with a mental health professional through psychotherapy sessions. Individuals learn about their disease as well as their moods, feelings, ideas, and behaviours during psychotherapy.

Types Of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy Types

In the mental health field, there are various types of psychotherapy. Therapists can choose from a variety of session formats to help their patients improve their psychological, emotional, and social well-being. Self-analysis of problem characteristics can help you choose between different types of psychotherapy.

  1. Individual Therapy: In this therapy, people express their feelings in a safe and nonjudgmental environment. The counsellor attempts to steer the patient's thinking and behaviour in a more positive direction during psychotherapy sessions.

  1. Group Therapy: This type of therapy may involve more than one counsellor analysing and guiding a group of people. These groups typically focus on a specific issue that many of the participants share. Group therapy provides not  only support, but also the opportunity to learn problem-solving techniques from the group leaders and other participants. This type of treatment is frequently manifested as a support group for its participants to aid in problem management.

  1. Martial Therapy: also known as couples therapy, focuses on increasing the intimacy of married couples' relationships. Living together for an extended period of time can cause unwanted tension and compatibility issues between couples. Couples can benefit from these types of psychotherapy sessions by improving their relationship status.

  1. Family Therapy: This therapy promotes healthy family interactions. This type of therapy may also be beneficial for families who have experienced a significant change, such as the death of a family member or the need to provide additional care for a sick sibling, parent, or other family member. Family therapy encourages members to communicate and understand one another in a healthy manner.

Psychotherapy Techniques

Different types of psychotherapy may be required to manage and address specific issues. The treatment strategy will differ depending on the condition being treated and the level of experience of the mental health professional. These methods can be divided into five types of psychotherapy techniques.

  1. Psychodynamic Therapy: This type of therapy aims to help people understand themselves better. In psychodynamic therapy, therapeutic relationships are frequently used to explore and change a patient's dysfunctional modes of thinking, feeling, or acting.

  1. Behavioral Therapy : A variety of methods are used in behavioural therapy to assist patients in recognising and changing harmful or self-destructive behaviours. This problem-solving therapy examines how various types of conditioning and learning influence a patient's actions.

  1. Cognitive Therapy: This type of therapy focuses heavily on a patient's cognitive processes. Cognitive therapy aims to transform negative and dysfunctional thought patterns in order to avoid acting negatively and dysfunctionally. Patients can change their thinking in order to feel and act better.

  1. Humanistic Therapy: The sole focus of humanistic therapy is that everyone has the ability to realise their full potential with the right nurturing. This type of therapy may focus on the patient's quest for self-actualization and a sense of purpose in life.

  1. Integrative or Elective Therapy: Depending on the patient's needs, counsellors may incorporate various models of therapy. Elective treatment combines the elements of many therapeutic modalities into a comprehensive strategy for the client.


Therapy sessions are typically 45 to 50 minutes long. It is preferable if you and your therapist agree on the treatment's goals from the start. The therapist may wish to schedule additional sessions. Some therapists will write drug prescriptions if necessary.

If you're looking for psychotherapy sessions, you've come to the right place. Solh Wellness offers the most effective personalised mental health solutions at reasonable prices. Book your first session with Solh Wellness and take the first step towards improving your mental health.


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