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How Happiness is intertwined with Mental Health | Solh Wellness

 Many people overlook the link between happiness and mental stability. It is only occasionally true that those with the most resources are always happy. Even though materialistic things can make people more comfortable, mental peace is never guaranteed. Internal happiness is essential for achieving true mental peace.

The Benefits of Happiness

Happiness can be defined differently by each person, but its effect on the mind is always the same. Happiness increases serotonin and oxytocin levels, which make us feel good about ourselves and help us cope with stress. Happiness, in general, stems from a sense of purpose or the accomplishment of a goal.

Emotional Control

Emotional regulation is required for an individual to achieve mental stability and happiness. A person's ability to deal with unexpected trauma, such as rejection, breakup, a failed marriage, or the death of a loved one, is a necessary trait. These events can make anyone feel sad and miserable, but you must get out of them as soon as possible.

The Relationship Between Happiness and Mental Stability

According to research, pleasure can predict mental stability significantly. In other words, those who report higher levels of happiness typically have better mental health outcomes, such as lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. People who have mental health problems, on the other hand, frequently report lower levels of enjoyment and life satisfaction.

Many psychological theories can explain the relationship between happiness and mental stability. One such theory is the broaden-and-build hypothesis of good emotions. It contends that positive emotions such as happiness extend our thoughts and behaviours, allowing us to gradually accumulate resources and resilience. To put it another way, when we feel good, we are more likely to seek out new experiences and nurture relationships, which promote personal growth and development. These advantageous encounters and assets have the potential to strengthen our mental fortitude and resilience over time.

Happiness and Mental Health

Managing Stress and Other Mental Illnesses

Happiness, on the other hand, can be influenced by mental stability. Positive psychology can help an individual cope with stress and other mental disorders by preventing negative emotions such as worry or despair. A mentally stable person can also deal with unpleasant circumstances such as losing a job or having a difficult relationship without experiencing severe emotional disruptions.


Positive psychology in a crisis may appear difficult, but it is doable with the right guidance. Connect with Solh Wellness if you want better mental stability to face life's significant challenges with a smile. Take a step towards happiness with personalised mental health solution tools. Get started by downloading the Solh Wellness app!


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