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Link between Climate change & Mental Health | Solh Wellness

 Climate change is a worldwide issue that affects nearly every aspect of human life. People's mental health is increasingly jeopardised as temperatures rise, weather patterns shift, and natural disasters become more frequent and severe. Climate change has been linked to a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, according to research (PTSD).

Solh Wellness, a preventive mental health platform, has identified climate change as a major concern for mental health, alongside contagion, conflict, and conformity, and is working to address its impact on individuals and communities.

Direct Cause: The immediate consequences are noticeable and often severe, having a significant impact on your daily activities.

Among the most serious consequences are:

Trauma: People who experience natural disasters or live in areas prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires are more likely to develop PTSD, which is characterised by intrusive thoughts, avoidance behaviours, and hyperarousal.

Anxiety and Depression: As people worry about the future and their ability to cope with environmental challenges, climate change can cause anxiety and depression.

Suicide: As a result of increased environmental degradation and loss of livelihoods due to climate change, such as low harvest, people may experience feelings of hopelessness and despair, increasing their risk of suicide.

Climate Change's Indirect Effects on Mental Health: In addition to the direct consequences, climate change has an indirect impact on mental health. Among the most serious consequences are:

People may lose their homes, jobs, family, and friends as a result of climate change, leading to isolation and disconnection from others.

Economic Difficulties: Climate change can exacerbate stress and anxiety by causing financial difficulties.

Impacts on Health: Climate change can lead to an increase in infectious diseases, air pollution, and heat-related illnesses, all of which can be detrimental to mental health.

Food insecurity: Climate change can exacerbate anxiety and depression by causing food scarcity and malnutrition.

How Solh Wellness Helps?

Solh Wellness understands the significance of addressing the impact of climate change on mental health. The organisation provides a variety of services to assist individuals and communities in dealing with the effects of climate change, including:

Professional Support: Solh Wellness offers counselling and allied therapy services to help you find what moves you, as well as immediate assistance to help individuals cope with the emotional and psychological effects of climate change.

Support Groups: Solh Wellness provides 35+ support groups centred on the most common issues that people face. Individuals who have experienced trauma as a result of climate change, such as natural disasters, can share and listen to what others are experiencing.

Personalized Tools and Solutions: Because everyone's problems are different, solutions must be personalised. Solh Wellness provides its users with a comprehensive set of self-help tools and solutions, journaling and community support groups, on-call medical practitioners and counsellors for assistance, and allied therapies for stimulation.

Advocacy and Awareness: Solh Wellness is working to raise awareness about the stigma associated with mental illness in order to advocate for policies and practises that promote environmental sustainability and mental health.


Climate change is a disaster that has an impact on all aspects of human life, including mental health. Solh Wellness understands the impact of climate change on mental health and provides a variety of services to assist individuals and communities in dealing with its consequences. Solh Wellness is working to build resilience and promote mental health in a changing climate by providing an AI-driven, non-judgmental safe space for people to express themselves and seek support in order to prevent clinically diagnosed mental disorders.


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