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Solh Talks : Season 1 | Leading Ladies | Solh Wellness

Mental health stigma and discrimination persist in our society, creating significant barriers for people seeking help or support for their mental health. It can make people feel ashamed and isolated, worsening their mental health problems.

Leading Ladies - Solh Talks

By providing an AI-driven, non-judgmental, safe space for people to express themselves and seek help to prevent clinically diagnosed mental disorders, we hope to make mental health support affordable, 24x7 accessible, personalised, and accepted worldwide.

So, whether you have mental health problems or want to learn how to support someone who does, we encourage you to watch this video and participate in the discussion. Remember that you are not alone and that assistance is available. Let us all work together to put an end to stigma and discrimination against people who suffer from mental illnesses. We'll be speaking with a diverse group of women who have defied societal norms and carved out their own paths to success, from athletes to artists, entrepreneurs to activists.

Navita Berry (Business Head, Solh Wellness) will interview these distinguished panellists, who will share their personal stories as well as the obstacles they overcame to achieve their goals. They will share their perspectives and insights on mental health in order to overcome obstacles and maintain their mental health and well-being.

"I am a firm believer in equality," said Kapil Gupta, the Solh Wellness founder. It gives me great pleasure to see Solh Wellness taking the lead and honouring women who have walked the path of empowerment and worked together to achieve equality."

Solh Talks is unique in that it brings a diverse group of experts from various fields together to share previously unseen perspectives on the most prominent and pressing mental health issues.

Download the Solh Wellness App to join us every Friday beginning March 3rd, 2023, as we celebrate these incredible accomplishments and learn from their experiences. Let their stories serve as a beacon of hope and motivation for all of us to pursue our dreams and ambitions, big or small.


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