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What is Down Syndrome? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Solh Wellness

 Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic condition that occurs when a person has a complete or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. This disorder is distinguished by distinct physical characteristics, an increased likelihood of specific medical issues, and varying intellectual and developmental delays.

What is Down Syndrome

Causes of Down Syndrome

Individuals' Down syndrome causes can vary depending on a variety of factors. The following are the major Down Syndrome Causes discovered thus far:

Chromosomal Disruptions: Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 in a person's DNA. Humans typically have two copies of each chromosome, but those with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material can result in a variety of physical and developmental characteristics, such as distinctive facial features, intellectual disabilities, and an increased risk of certain health conditions.

Maternal Age: Women over the age of 35 are more likely than younger women to have a child with Down syndrome. This is due to the fact that the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, such as non-disjunction, increases with age in women. The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is relatively low in younger women, but increases in older women.

Translocation: In some cases, Down syndrome is caused by a genetic rearrangement known as translocation. Translocation involves the breaking of a chromosome 21 segment, which then attaches to another chromosome. This rearrangement can result in the individual having three copies of chromosome 21 or a portion of it, resulting in Down syndrome symptoms and health concerns.

Diagnosis of Down Syndrome

In many cases, Down Syndrome symptoms are easily identified. Down syndrome physical characteristics, such as a round face, upturned eyes, and a short, stocky build, are frequently used to identify the disorder. Individuals with Down syndrome may also exhibit awkward movements due to low muscle tone or hypotonia, which can impede physical development. These physical characteristics are regarded as signs of Down syndrome rather than symptoms. They can be discovered after a child is born or, in some cases, even during pregnancy. Healthcare providers and parents frequently examine this Down syndrome diagnosis early in order to facilitate early interventions and treatments.

Down Syndrome Challenges

Cognitive delays: Individuals with Down syndrome may experience difficulties with cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.

Language Barrier: Many people with Down syndrome have speech and language problems and may require additional communication support.

Learning difficulties: People with Down syndrome frequently struggle in school and may benefit from specialised instruction.

Executive function deficits: People with Down syndrome may struggle to initiate tasks, plan, and organise their thoughts.

Down Syndrome Treatment

Most children with Down syndrome require mental health therapy to help them in the future. The primary goal of providing these mental health therapies to these children is to make them as self-sufficient as possible when they grow up. Early intervention is a group of therapies and exercises designed to help people with Down Syndrome with delayed development. There are three types of medicines used to treat Down syndrome.

Physical Therapy: Babies with Down syndrome often have low muscle tone or hypotonia, which can hinder their physical development and lead to issues like bad posture later in life. Physical therapy can address this by helping to improve muscle tone and strength while teaching them how to move their bodies properly for daily activities. This intervention can help to improve their overall physical functioning and prevent future complications.

Speech Therapy: Due to features such as small mouths and enlarged tongues, which are more pronounced in hypotonia, children with Down syndrome may have difficulty speaking clearly. Furthermore, hearing loss can have an impact on speech development. Speech therapy can help children with Down syndrome overcome these obstacles and improve their communication skills. Some children may benefit from learning and using sign language as well.

Occupational Therapy: This type of therapy assists individuals in developing skills that will aid them in their future endeavours while also allowing them to be as independent as possible.


Down Syndrome can be difficult for a person's family, friends, and close ones. Early intervention is the most effective treatment for this disorder. If you or a loved one is suffering from a similar condition, contact Solh Wellness.We have 200+ mental health practitioners and Allied therapies available to assist you in your healing journey. Download the Solh Wellness App to assist your family members.


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