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Effective Stress Management Strategies for Marginalized Communities | Solh Wellness

Stigma is a harmful practise that unfairly devalues individuals simply for belonging to a socially devalued group. This can lead to discrimination, particularly against religious or ethnic minorities. Despite being rooted in genetics and biology, those suffering from mental illnesses are frequently stigmatised and treated differently than those suffering from other chronic conditions. This is known as behavioural health stigma, and it can lead to shame, prejudice, or discrimination against people who have mental health problems. To create a more inclusive and accepting society, it is critical to raise awareness and fight stigma.

Stress Management Strategies for Marginalized Communities

The negative consequences of discrimination

Prejudice, discrimination, and racism cause daily stress for marginalised groups, including racial and sexual minorities. Stigma discredits, isolates, and fears those who have certain conditions. Discrimination affects treatment access and reimbursement, as well as other aspects of life, causing stress. Discrimination can have a dual impact, either pushing people to overcome the stigma or causing negative effects like low self-esteem, anxiety, and poor performance.

Spreading awareness to combat stigma

It is critical to use non-stigmatizing language in internal and external communications to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with behavioural health conditions. Person-first language emphasises a person's humanity while diminishing negative stereotypes. Furthermore, neurodiversity, including behavioural health conditions, should be included in a broader agenda of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This can be accomplished by establishing a supportive workplace that prioritises mental health and provides flexibility and customization to overcome barriers.

Improve Your Daily Habits

To cope with their discredited identity, victims of discrimination may engage in unhealthy behaviours such as overeating, smoking, excessive drinking, and drug use. Individuals should begin by evaluating their stressors and considering ways to change, avoid, adapt, or accept them using the 4As method. However, finding effective stress management strategies requires patience and experimentation. If anxiety is interfering with one's daily routines and overall well-being, it is critical to seek medical attention. It is critical to prioritise healthy eating habits, sleep, and personal hygiene in order to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


It is critical to seek help if you are experiencing discrimination and experiencing mental health issues as a result of it. Solh Wellness offers a variety of mental health solutions that are tailored to the needs of each individual. Learning how to deal with daily problems is a step towards better mental health. Download the Solh Wellness App and notice a difference in your life.


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