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Importance of Mental Well-being At Workplace | Solh Wellness

The mental health of an employee in an organisation is an important factor to consider. A person's mental health has an impact on both themselves and the productivity of the organisation for which they work. It is critical to discuss the employees' mental health and devise solutions to address it.

Importance of Mental Well-being At Workplace

Factors influencing an employee's mental health

The stress and workload of the workplace, as well as the inability to fulfil job roles and responsibilities, can have a negative impact on an employee's mental health. Some important factors that contribute to this are: 

  • It can be difficult to manage work-related stress when colleagues or managers fail to provide adequate support.

  • Uncertain expectations or poor communication can lead to workplace confusion and anxiety.

  • Workplace harassment, discrimination, or bullying can have a negative impact on a person's mental health.

  • Balancing work and personal obligations can be difficult, resulting in stress and burnout.

  • Dissatisfaction and disengagement can result from feeling unchallenged or unfulfilled at work.

  • Concerns about job security or financial insecurity can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety.

  • Micromanagement and having little control over one's work can be demotivating and frustrating.

Workplace consequences of poor mental health

When employees suffer from poor mental health, the organisation can suffer a variety of negative consequences. This can include decreased productivity, absenteeism, high turnover rates necessitating the recruitment and training of new employees, and increased health insurance costs. These costs can be especially damaging for small businesses because they can add up over time and have an impact on the organization's overall success.

What businesses and organisations can do

It is the responsibility of management and employers to create a work environment that is pleasant and stress-free for employees. Some actions that an employer can take to ensure the mental well-being of their employees are as follows: 

  • Provide easy access to mental health self-assessment tools to all employees.

  • Provide free or subsidised clinical screenings for workplace stress and other mental health issues, followed by appropriate feedback and referrals.

  • Provide stress and exhaustion health insurance plans with low or no out-of-pocket costs. 

  • To assist employees in managing their mental health, provide lifestyle coaching, counselling, or self-management programmes.

  • Organise seminars or workshops to teach employees how to manage stress through mindfulness, breathing techniques, and meditation, which will help them feel less anxious and stressed, more motivated, and more focused.

Employees in an organisation can benefit from good mental health.

When employees work with a positive attitude, the workplace tends to be more productive and efficient. Some of the advantages that a company can gain from its employees' good mental health include:

  • Good mental health can lead to clearer thinking and better decision-making, which can benefit the overall success of the organisation.

  • Individuals who are mentally healthy are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and the workplace, which leads to higher employee retention.

  • Individuals with good mental health are more likely to tap into their creativity and generate innovative ideas, which can benefit businesses.

  • Employees who are in good mental health are less likely to miss work due to stress or burnout, which can save the company money and increase overall productivity.

  • Individuals with good mental health can communicate more effectively, form positive relationships with coworkers, and contribute to a positive workplace culture.


Employee mental health is critical to the success of a company or organisation. If you want to increase your company's productivity by improving the mental health of your employees, contact Solh Wellness. We offer the best mental health solutions that are easily accessible and conduct mental health workshops for businesses. Download the Solh Wellness App to improve your mental health and quality of life.


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