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Managing Work Stress for Working Professionals | Solh Wellness

Job stress is a common occurrence among many people in the workforce. It is a type of psychological stress or tension caused by job demands and expectations, as well as the individual's beliefs and values. Job stress can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including physical, emotional, and behavioural symptoms. Excessive workload, job insecurity, low levels of autonomy, interpersonal conflict, and poor working conditions are all common sources of job stress. Job stress, if not managed properly, can have an impact on an individual's overall health and well-being, as well as their job performance and satisfaction.

Managing Work Stress for Working Professionals

What causes stress in the corporate world?

Many factors contribute to the corporate sector's reputation for being a high-stress environment. The inability to cope with the demands of the job, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm and burnout, is a major source of stress in this industry. Other reasons for job-related stress include:

Coping with high job demands - Employees who are overwhelmed by their workload, deadlines, and job expectations may experience job stress.

Employees who lack control over their work can experience stress and dissatisfaction. It can lead to feelings of micromanagement or a lack of confidence in their abilities.

Being a victim of workplace bullying or experiencing workplace conflict - Interpersonal conflict or bullying can cause significant stress and emotional strain on employees.

Fear of job loss or layoffs - For employees, the fear of losing their job due to layoffs or downsizing can cause significant stress and anxiety.

Working overtime to meet workload demands due to low staffing levels - When staffing levels are low, employees may be required to work longer hours to meet workload demands, resulting in stress and burnout.

Pressure to meet higher expectations without increased job satisfaction - When employees are expected to meet higher job expectations without a corresponding increase in job satisfaction, it can lead to stress and dissatisfaction.

Stress Symptoms in a Corporate Job

The signs and symptoms of a person experiencing high stress as a result of their jobs and challenges are very visible. It is critical to recognise the warning signs and take immediate action to overcome them. The following are some common signs of stress from a high-pressure job:

Team-level signs of stress: Arguments, high staff turnover, increased stress reports, more sickness absences, decreased performance, and more complaints and grievances are all signs of stress at the team level.

Behavioral modifications: Increased vacation time, tardiness to work, and being more nervous or fidgety than usual.

Changes in thinking and emotions: Mood swings, withdrawal, loss of motivation and confidence, and increased emotional reactions such as being tearful, sensitive, or aggressive.

Other symptoms include headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, and difficulty sleeping.

Managing Workplace Stress

Workplace stress can often have an impact on an individual's personal life. It is critical to deal with stress by taking charge of your life. Here are some tips and tricks to help you overcome workplace anxiety.

Seek assistance: When you're stressed at work, it's critical to seek help. Speak with your manager, a colleague, or a counsellor to get the help you require.

Take command: Look for meaning and satisfaction in your workplace. To effectively manage your workload, be proactive about your job and workplace duties, and prioritise tasks.

Manage your mindset: Break bad habits that contribute to workplace stress, such as perfectionism. Only try to control some things, as many things at work are beyond your control. Focus on the matters you can manage and think positively about your work.

Use humor: Humor is superb for relieving stress in the workplace, but it's essential to use it appropriately.

Take care of yourself: Manage your time by creating a balanced schedule, planning regular rejuvenating breaks, and establishing healthy boundaries. Get adequate sleep and manage your eating habits to maintain your overall well-being.


It is critical to address mental stress. Otherwise, it can result in severe mental health problems. If the stress is unbearable, it is always best to seek professional assistance.

If you or someone you know is suffering from work-related stress, contact Solh Wellness. We have work-life balance packages that can help you manage stress effectively. This week on Solh Talks | Leading Ladies, we have a special guest, Ms. Trisha De Niyogi, who will be speaking about her publishing journey and much more. To watch the full episode, download the Solh Wellness App.


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