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Mental Health of Sports Person with Disabilities | Solh Wellness

Individuals with disabilities frequently face societal barriers that limit their educational, employment, and social engagement opportunities. Disability can elicit negative perceptions and discrimination, resulting in exclusion from community life and harming their mental health. This stigma can also encourage inactivity and a sense of dependency, especially among those with physical disabilities, resulting in additional mobility restrictions beyond the effects of their disability. Sports for people with disabilities have been shown to improve their mental health and empower them. 

Mental Health of Sports Person with Disabilities

Sports have many advantages for disabled people. 

Sport has the power to break down societal barriers and reduce stigma and discrimination faced by people with disabilities. It enables people with and without disabilities to interact in a positive and inclusive environment, challenging negative assumptions about disability. Some of the advantages of sports for people with disabilities are as follows:

  • Sports participation can improve physical fitness, coordination, and motor skills.

  • Sports can improve self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being, especially for people with disabilities who may be socially isolated.

  • Sports can foster social connections and break down barriers between people with and without disabilities, promoting a more inclusive society.

  • Sporting activities allow people to learn new skills, both physical and mental, and improve their overall quality of life.

  • Individuals with disabilities can develop greater independence, self-reliance, and self-determination through sports.

A Disabled Sportsperson's Needs

People with disabilities have special needs that must be met in order for them to be safe, included, and enjoy sports. Some of the critical needs of disabled athletes that should be considered are as follows:

  1. Accessible facilities: Ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms, are required for disabled athletes. 

  2. Adaptive Equipment: Disabled athletes may need adaptive equipment to participate in sports, such as prosthetic limbs, wheelchairs, or specialised equipment. To ensure that all athletes can participate equally, sports organisations should provide or make accommodations for such equipment.

  3. Trained Coaches and Officials: Coaches and officials must be trained to work with disabled athletes and have the necessary certifications and training to provide guidance and support. They should be aware of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with working with disabled athletes.

  4. Inclusive Practices: Sports organisations should encourage inclusive practises to ensure that all athletes feel welcome and valued. This includes developing anti-discrimination policies and procedures, providing equal access to facilities and equipment, and promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of sports.

  5. Support Services: In order to participate in sports, disabled athletes may require support services such as transportation, personal assistance, and medical care. Such support services should be provided or arranged by sports organisations to ensure that all athletes can participate safely and comfortably.

Sports Psychology's Role in Assisting Disabled People

Sports psychology is the study of how our thoughts and feelings affect our athletic performance. Sports psychology can help disabled athletes improve their performance, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals. Disabled athletes can use sports psychology by following a few simple tips and strategies. They can cope with anxiety and stress by using relaxation techniques. They can boost their confidence and motivation by using positive self-talk. Making a pre-performance routine can help them mentally and physically prepare. Seeking help from coaches, teammates, and sports psychologists can assist them in developing coping strategies and improving their performance. Finally, embracing challenges and concentrating on developing resilience, perseverance, and a growth mindset can assist disabled athletes in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.


Sports can significantly improve an individual's mental health. While pursuing their dream of playing sports, a person with a disability must take all necessary precautions. We had a good communication exchange with Malika Handa, a deaf Indian professional chess player and the first woman in India to win a gold medal in the International Deaf Chess Championship, on today's episode of Solh Talks. She told the story of her mental health journey as a para-athlete. 

If you are dealing with mental health issues as a result of a disability, contact Solh Wellness. We offer convenient access to personalised mental wellness solutions. Download the Solh Wellness App to improve your mental health and life.  


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