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Music Therapy and its benefits in Mental Wellness | Solh Wellness

Everyone's mental health is unique, and the notion of Allied Therapy employs a variety of ways to help individuals improve their mental health. Music therapy is one of the therapies that has been shown to be useful in the treatment of mental diseases such as ADHD, Bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Music therapy focuses on using music to help individuals and groups address various needs such as physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. It can include music listening, instrument playing, drumming, songwriting, and guided visualisation. It is appropriate for all ages and musical abilities. It can help people enhance their mood, reduce anxiety, and even improve their physical coordination.

Music Therapy and its benefits

How Music Therapy Aids Mental Health

Music Therapy employs a variety of strategies, and the therapist selects these exercises based on the needs of the individual. Some of the activities employed in Music Therapy include: 

  • Active listening: The therapist plays a song or piece of music while inviting the patient to communicate their feelings or opinions about the music. This method allows the patient to express himself or herself through the shared musical experience.

  • Performance-based therapy: In performance-based music therapy, the therapist sings or plays an instrument, urging the patient to join in and participate. This method can help patients gain confidence and a sense of success..

  • Songwriting and lyrics: Songwriting and lyrics can be an effective technique for patients to express themselves and examine their experiences. The therapist can collaborate with the patient to write music or lyrics that reflect their feelings and experiences.

  • Dancing and movement: Music therapy centred on dancing and movement can be a joyful and effective technique for patients to relieve stress and gain physical and emotional strength. The therapist may play an instrument or play music, urging the patient to move in sync with the music.

  • Relaxation treatment: In relaxation therapy, the therapist plays soothing music to guide the patient into a more relaxed condition. This method can assist patients in reducing tension and anxiety while also encouraging calm and well-being.

The Advantages of Music Therapy

Music therapy is a highly personalised and adaptable technique that is appropriate for people of all ages with varying levels of musical experience and mental or physical health difficulties. Music can engage numerous brain regions, satisfy social needs, reduce heart rate and blood pressure, relax muscle tension, release endorphins, decrease stress, and promote emotions of peace. Other advantages of music therapy include:

  • Music therapy has been shown to engage brain regions related with memory, emotions, movement, sensory relay, decision-making, and reward.

  • It helps meet older persons' social needs in group settings, fostering a sense of connection and belonging.

  • Music therapy can help children and young adults with developmental or learning impairments increase their motor skills and improve their communication.

  • Music therapy can also be an effective technique for controlling insomnia, offering a non-invasive and cost-effective method of self-management.

  • It has been shown to be useful in lowering pain associated with chronic diseases, childbirth, and surgery, and it can be an important component of a long-term pain management plan.


Art and culture are essential for keeping society organised and for boosting one's mental health. These kinds of activities can be an antidote to many mental diseases, and music therapy operates in a similar way. 

Solh Wellness strives to give individuals with the greatest mental healthcare at the most convenient location. We also provide affordable Allied Therapy packages in which you may meet specialists who can help you through music therapy and other allied therapies such as dance and art therapy. In addition, we welcomed a Sufi musical personality to our chat show, 'Solh Talks,' where accomplished people from various fields discuss their mental health journey. Vusat Iqbal Khan, a well-known Sufi singer, discusses how music helps her face daily problems. The episode will air on April 14, 2023. Download the Solh Wellness App now to view the entire episode! 


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