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What is a Support Group, and How does it work? | Solh Wellness

 A support group is a group of people who face similar challenges in life and meet in a safe place to share their feelings and experiences. These groups bring together people who have similar experiences, such as fighting cancer, living with chronic conditions, or dealing with mental health issues. Individuals feel a tremendous sense of relief after opening up and expressing their thoughts within the group. Furthermore, hearing about other people's struggles and coping strategies provides valuable insights and inspiration, providing individuals with ideas on how to approach their own problems. 

What is a Support Group, and How does it work

How a support group can assist an individual

Individuals benefit greatly from group support in many aspects of their lives. Group therapy can help an individual in the following ways: 

  • Individuals can express their feelings in a safe environment, with others who can relate offering understanding and validation.

  • Group support fosters a sense of belonging and community, combating feelings of isolation and providing a network of people who share similar interests.

  • Members can learn from one another by sharing their experiences and coping strategies, gaining valuable insights and expanding their mental health knowledge.

  • Support groups frequently provide information about mental health conditions, treatments, and self-help strategies, allowing people to make more informed decisions.

  • Participating in a support group validates experiences and reduces stigma, promoting acceptance, self-compassion, and higher self-esteem.

  • Goal-setting, progress sharing, and achievement celebration are all encouraged in a support group, fostering personal growth and positive change.

  • Seeing others' resilience and recovery gives one hope and faith in one's own capacity for change and well-being.

The Advantages of Participating in a Support Group

Sharing one's concerns with a large group of people may appear daunting to some, but it is also extremely beneficial. Some of the advantages of sharing thoughts and emotions with a support group include:

  • Support groups provide a safe environment for people to express their concerns and receive validation from others who can relate, reducing feelings of isolation.

  • Sharing concerns with others allows for the cathartic release of pent-up emotions and thoughts.

  • Members of the group contribute a variety of perspectives and insights, broadening understanding of issues and exploring potential solutions.

  • Support groups provide empathy, encouragement, and emotional support, which increases resilience and well-being.

  • Sharing concerns allows you to learn from others who have faced similar challenges, which can provide inspiration and practical insights.

  • Group discussions foster collaborative problem-solving while also providing new strategies and resources.

  • Sharing vulnerabilities builds trust and strengthens bonds within the support group.

How to Find the Right Type of Support Group

Before joining a support group, it is always a good idea to do some research and evaluation. Before committing to any group, you must first find one that meets your needs. Here are some tips to help you choose the best group for yourself:

  • Seek advice from mental health professionals or healthcare providers who specialise in your area of concern.

  • Use online platforms such as Solh Wellness to learn more about support groups, and you can also join free online support groups.

  • Inquire with trusted members of your network, such as friends or family, for recommendations on effective support groups.

  • Participate in workshops or conferences to network and learn about support groups.

  • Contact the facilitators of support groups to learn more about their focus and structure.

  • Attend a trial session if possible to assess the group dynamics and determine if it meets your needs.


Support groups provide powerful platforms for empathy, understanding, and connection, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles. These groups foster a sense of belonging and provide invaluable emotional support through shared experiences and mutual support. 

If you are experiencing problems with mental health disorders, please contact Solh Wellness. Solh Wellness offers online support groups that anyone can join for free. You can choose from a variety of support groups and discuss your issues with others who share your concerns. Take the first step towards better mental health and a better life by downloading the Solh Wellness App.


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