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Burnout in Doctors: Signs & Symptoms | Solh Wellness

The syndrome known as "burnout" is characterised by sustained, high stress, usually at work, leaving a person feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. Exhaustion, a loss of motivation, and disinterest in one's job are characteristics of burnout. A few parts of life that could suffer are relationships, work productivity, and general well-being.

Due to how physically and emotionally taxing their jobs are, those in the medical and caregiving industries frequently burn out. They often have long workdays and little free time as a result. Doctors' mental health may deteriorate as a result of the responsibilities associated with providing care for multiple patients and putting their well-being first.

Burnout in Doctors Signs & Symptoms

Signs of Burnout in Doctors

The following are just a few of the many burnout warning indicators for doctors that could be harmful to a doctor's general health:

  • Emotional exhaustion: A sense of helplessness and cynicism are frequently felt when one is overworked, weary, and emotionally exhausted.

  • Depersonalization: Depersonalization is the process of losing contact with or acting impersonally towards patients, coworkers, or the medical community. This could lead to a decline in empathy or a rise in irritation.

  • Reduced sense of accomplishment: One does not feel fully satisfied or fulfilled by their work, despite efforts and triumphs. This could lead to a diminished sense of purpose and poor work results.

  • Chronic fatigue: Constantly feeling worn out despite receiving adequate rest or relaxation. If they are exhausted, it may be more difficult for them to provide patients with appropriate care.

  • Increased error or decreased efficiency: Finding it difficult to concentrate, making mistakes, or experiencing a decline in performance and production. This might manifest as a lack of focus, memory issues, or a lack of attention to detail.

  • Emotional instability: Mood swings, such as agitation, worry, despair, or a feeling of helplessness in the face of even little stimuli, are examples of emotional instability. Personal relationships could be impacted by these changes in dynamics.

  • Social Withdrawal: People who experience social withdrawal withdraw from social interactions at work and in their personal lives due to a lack of interest, drive, or a profound sense of exhaustion.

  • Physical symptoms: Physical symptoms of stress include headaches, stomachaches, insomnia, and repeated infections brought on by a weakened immune system.

  • Neglected self-care: Neglected self-care involves postponing self-care practices such as maintaining a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and engaging in self-care rituals that promote relaxation and regeneration.


Doctors should be able to recognise these symptoms and act accordingly in order to prevent burnout and prioritise the needs of their patients. By doing this, doctors may continue to properly treat patients and look after their own health.

A variety of self-help options are available from Solh Wellness to support your wellbeing. We provide a range of resources and assistance to help you get through difficult times. Our team of certified counsellors is experienced in handling your concerns. We invite you to book a session with us if you believe you require assistance so that you can receive the direction and support you require.


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