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It’s Not About Diagnosis; It’s About Healing | Solh Wellness

If we look at the classification of mental disorders, there are many problems that necessitate a clinical mental health professional's knowledge and diagnosis. This is important since a diagnosis helps psychiatrists prescribe the right medicine and gives direction for the best therapy strategy. Instead than simply labelling the client, it is crucial to put their healing first. A sound therapy strategy tries to address the person's underlying problems and beliefs, fostering inner healing.

Numerous studies have shown that traumatic experiences in childhood, such as child sexual abuse, can affect a person for the rest of their lives and act as triggers for more severe disorders, such as Borderline Personality Disorder and Dissociative Personality Disorder. Instead of only treating the disorder's symptoms in these situations, the emphasis should be on healing the trauma, creating a safe atmosphere, and accepting the individual.

It’s Not About Diagnosis; It’s About Healing

The Power of Healing

Put healing first while providing mental health care. Understanding the underlying causes of these problems is necessary for providing effective patient care, which goes beyond simply concentrating on the labels attached to diseases. According to a study, even severe disorders like dissociative personality disorder and borderline personality disorder may have their roots in traumatic childhood experiences like child sexual abuse. We may hasten the healing process, offer comfort and support to those in need, and identify and address the trauma by doing so.

A Holistic Approach

A person's entire existence is taken into account in a holistic approach to mental health. It takes into account the person's feelings, beliefs, relationships, and general welfare in addition to the disorder's symptoms. To address each person's specific needs and reflect their prior experiences, the therapy technique may be modified.

Therapeutic Approaches

Evidence-based therapies and personalised care are combined to create effective therapeutic alternatives for mental health rehabilitation. Many different therapies are accessible, including CBT, talk therapy, trauma-focused therapy, mindfulness-based practises, and others. The goal is to establish a secure and encouraging setting where individuals may examine their experiences, confront their emotions, and improve their coping skills.

Support and Acceptance

Support and acceptance are crucial for recovering from mental health disorders. If people are to be open and honest with one another, it is crucial to foster a caring and judgment-free environment. By fostering a sense of acceptance and belonging, we can motivate people to confront their issues, develop as resilient people, and go on their recovery journeys.


Although diagnostic labels have a place in mental health care, healing should always be the main objective of care. A holistic strategy that prioritises addressing trauma, underlying issues, and offering support and acceptance can dramatically enhance people's lives. This strategy could help us get past categorization and build a better, more compassionate network of mental health support that aids in healing and wellbeing.

A variety of self-help options are available from Solh Wellness to support your wellbeing. We provide a range of resources and assistance to help you get through difficult times. Our team of certified counsellors is experienced in handling your concerns. If you need help, we strongly suggest that you schedule a session with us.


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