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Journaling for Mental Health: A Proven Tool for Healing and Well-Being | Solh Wellness

For the purpose of self-expression, introspection, and personal growth, journaling is the regular recording of thoughts, feelings, experiences, and observations in a personal diary or notebook.

About 100 young adults were given different writing assignments in a study done in 2006 to see how it affected their degrees of discomfort. The participants were told to blog about a stressful occurrence for 15 minutes each time, write about their daily goals twice within a week, or sketch about it. Particularly if they were extremely upset at the beginning of the study, people who journaled had a considerable decrease in symptoms including despair, anxiety, and anger. so's interesting to note that most participants had little prior experience writing their emotions, and a sizable portion said they felt awkward doing so.

Journaling for Mental Health


The research's findings make it clear that keeping a journal has many benefits and is essential to the process of emotional recovery. Let's examine its advantages in more detail:

  1. By giving one a way to express overwhelming feelings and stresses, journaling reduces stress.

  2. Numerous health benefits, such as fewer doctor visits related to stress, lower blood pressure, better mood, and greater general wellbeing, have been linked to journaling

  3. By facilitating cognitive distance from unfavourable thoughts, journaling fosters psychological well-being by enabling a more objective viewpoint.

  4. Writing in a journal makes it possible to absorb and accept feelings, which reduces their intensity and improves emotional control.

  5. In order to make better decisions, those who journal are able to get clarity and insight into their ideas, emotions, and desires.

  6. Through regular writing, one can explore their preferences, anxieties, dreams, and personal progress, which deepens self-discovery and self-awareness.


Journaling has been proven to be a powerful tool for emotional recovery and wellbeing. By offering us a place to express and let go of our feelings, journaling relieves stress and lessens its negative effects on our lives. It promotes self-reflection, which enables us to more fully understand who we are, our feelings, and our experiences

We at Solh Wellness are aware of the advantages journaling has for overall well being. So that anyone looking for emotional support can simply utilise our Solh App, we've added a user-friendly journaling option into it. Our software allows users to keep a daily blog as well as interact with people going through similar experiences with mental illness and join support groups. Our app also provides a variety of tools and resources aimed at improving mental health, offering a thorough method of self-care and personal development.


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