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Envy and Jealousy in a Caring Relationship | Solh Wellness

  Envy and jealousy are complicated emotions that can have a negative impact on caring relationships. While they are frequently perceived as negative and destructive, when correctly understood and managed, they can encourage growth, deepen emotional ties, and increase self-awareness. In this article, we will look at the role of envy and jealousy in loving relationships and how they can be beneficial or destructive. Envy Envy can be a damaging feeling in caring relationships since it entails seeking something that the partner has. This is true for all types of close interactions, including familial bonds, friendships, and sexual relationships. Envy, according to thinkers such as Sigmund Freud and D.W. Winnicott, can be a natural and healthy response, especially in the context of normal early development. Healthy envy can also be used to motivate self-improvement and growth.  When a partner admires their loved one's successes, abilities, or experiences, it might inspire them to aim t

Virtual vs. "Real Life" Friendships | Solh Wellness

Friendship is a close, reciprocal connection characterized by consideration, respect, caring, and occasionally affection between two or more people. From childhood through adulthood, it is essential to our happiness and mental health.  Friendships today can take many different forms, most notably through social media relationships. Online and offline businesses have some similarities despite differences. Online friendships, formed on sites like social networks and the internet, are not as emotionally rich as offline relationships. Nevertheless, some contend that they can be equally significant and uplifting. Furthermore, the simplicity of establishing internet contacts is frequently emphasized, particularly among teenagers and students. According to research, online communication frequently follows in-person interactions, hastening the initial bonding process. In essence, friendship includes friendly, considerate interactions. These relationships, whether physical or virtual, have a tr

Boundaries: "YES" OR "NO" | Solh Wellness

Boundaries, in the broadest sense, define a space within which you feel you belong. Such belonging also brings a nest of safety that we may nuzzle into anytime we need it. It applies to a small group, a community, and even to ourselves. Individuals create boundaries for themselves in order to gain control over their lives. They create limitations in order to develop their identity and, second, to protect themselves. Despite the fact that "boundary" appears to be a restricting concept, establishing them provides us with a sense of freedom. Setting boundaries allows you to have your own space and not get sucked into the next one. It may appear as keeping yourself out of specific settings, entirely excluding other people from situations in your life, or limiting people's ability to enter your space. Why boundaries? Many people work so hard to be empathetic and charitable that they lose sight of their own limitations. As a result, the ability to set clear boundaries is critic

How to maintain boundaries as a Counselor | Solh Wellness

Boundaries are essential for our emotional and mental well-being. They serve as safeguards, ensuring that we are respected, valued, and have a strong sense of self while creating good relationships. Healthy boundaries lessen the possibility of being taken advantage of or exploited, allowing us to set limits on our actions and commitments. Setting limits helps to reduce burnout and stress, supporting a better and more balanced lifestyle. Despite being aware of the importance of boundaries, counselors may overextend themselves when supporting clients, reducing the line between personal and professional life. With its emphasis on empathy and delving into deep emotions, the counseling profession can make it difficult for counselors to maintain rigid boundaries at all times. As a result, they may unintentionally allow personal emotions and experiences to influence their professional relationships with customers. Counselors must establish and maintain boundaries in order to safeguard their c

Misconceptions about Mental Health | Solh Wellness

For a very long time, people have been embarrassed to talk about their challenges with mental diseases and mental health problems or to ask for treatment. Many myths and misconceptions about mental diseases have spread as a result of exaggerated media portrayal. Despite significant progress in the fight against stigma, there are still many widely held myths about mental illnesses that could prevent people from getting the assistance they require. These untrue assertions might be harmful in a number of different ways. Because they are terrified of being criticised, they promote erroneous views that discourage individuals from seeking help. Because they have unrealistic expectations about the kind of therapy they will receive, some people may decide not to seek therapy, which would force them to suffer in silence and possibly make their problems worse. Let's debunk some of these common mental health misconceptions : Myth 1: Mental illnesses are not frequently found ailments. Contrary

Impact of Disconnect from Nature on Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Have you ever noticed how different environments elicit various feelings in you? Even how our bodies function and how worried or relaxed we are can be influenced by our surroundings! When we experience anxiety or sadness in an uncomfortable situation, our bodies' systems may go into overdrive. On the other hand, being in a stunning natural environment might help us feel better and calm down. People of all ages and backgrounds like spending time in nature when they are worried. Our mental health is significantly impacted when we cut ourselves off from nature. Here are some ways that disconnecting from nature impacts us: Your Mental Health is Affected: Missing out on the pleasure of being outside on a beautiful day if you spend too much time indoors can be detrimental to your mental health. According to studies, exposure to sunlight, even through a window, can help people unwind more. It has also been demonstrated that exposure to daylight at work might lessen anxiety and despair.

Finding Emotional Support through Support Groups | Solh Wellness

Almost everyone needs social and emotional support since it helps us deal better with the difficulties of life. Surprisingly, having solid support can boost our independence and self-esteem, giving us greater ability to resolve problems on our own. We can be guided towards discovering solutions to our problems by encouraging friends and family members who have faith in our skills. The advantages of social support are not based on the number of people in our social network; even a small number of close ties can be significant. Coworkers, neighbours, or acquaintances from different faith communities can all be sources of these connections. Only a select few people naturally connect with others, and life transitions can result in the loss of long-standing bonds. However, it is possible to make new friends and develop a strong support system in order to benefit from social and emotional assistance. As was previously mentioned, social and emotional support is crucial for our general develop